bpp-core3  3.0.0
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Cbpp::AdaptiveKernelDensityEstimationDensity estimation using the adaptive kernel method
 Cbpp::Graph::ALLGRAPHITERDefine categories of iterators
 Cbpp::ApplicationToolsThis class provides some common tools for developping applications
 Cbpp::AttributesToolsSome functions to deal with attributes, i.e. parameters passed to a program/method
 Cbpp::ClonableThe Clonable interface (allow an object to be cloned)
 Cbpp::ColorManager< CodeType >Associate special colors to a code
 Cbpp::ColorManager< unsigned int >
 Cbpp::ColorSetSpecify a set of color definitions
 Cbpp::ColorToolsProvide tools to deal with color objects
 Cbpp::ContingencyTableGeneratorGenerate a random contingency matrix with given marginal counts
 Cbpp::CoordsToolsSome functions to deal with Point2D
 Cbpp::AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIterator
 Cbpp::EigenValue< Real >Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real (non-complex) matrix
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cbpp::FileToolsSome utilitary functions to deal with files
 Cbpp::FontManager< CodeType >Associate special fonts to a code
 Cbpp::FontManager< int >
 Cbpp::FunctionToolsThis class contains static methods to deal with Function objects
 Cbpp::GraphicDeviceInterface for all plotting devices
 Cbpp::IoDiscreteDistributionFactoryUtilitary class for creating discrete distribution readers and writers
 Cbpp::IOFormatThe IOFormat interface
 Cbpp::KeyvalToolsTools to deal with the keyval syntax
 Cbpp::LUDecomposition< Real >LU Decomposition
 Cbpp::MapToolsA fiew tools working on map objects
 Cbpp::MatrixToolsFunctions dealing with matrices
 Cbpp::NeighborIteratorClass< is_const >Abstract class for neighbor iterators
 Cbpp::AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIterator
 Cbpp::NumConstantsThis static class contains several useful constant values
 Cbpp::NumToolsSome utilitary function for numerical calculus
 Cbpp::OneDimensionOptimizationToolsTools of one parameter-functions optimizations
 Cbpp::OptimizationEventAn event object which indicates that an optimization event occured
 Cbpp::OptimizationListenerThe listener interface for receiving optimization events
 Cbpp::AbstractDiscreteDistribution::OrderComparator class for AbstractDiscreteDistribution
 Cbpp::VectorTools::order_Cmp_< T >
 Cbpp::ParameterGridThis class is a data structure to specify a set of parameter values (most likely for evaluation by a Function)
 Cbpp::RandomToolsUtilitary function dealing with random numbers
 Cbpp::RangeCollection< T >Interface discribing a collection of Range objects
 Cbpp::rangeComp_< T >A special class used inside RangeCollection
 Cbpp::StatToolsStatistics tools and utilitary functions
 Cbpp::StringTokenizerA tokenizer for strings
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class