▼Nbpp | |
NIntegerTools | |
NTextTools | |
CBedGraphFeatureReader | A simple reader for features in the BedGraph format |
CFeatureReader | Interface for feature readers |
CGffFeatureReader | A simple reader implementing the Gene Finding Feature format |
CGtfFeatureReader | A simple reader implementing the Gene Transfer Format |
CSeqRange | Coordinate range on a sequence. Stores coordinates as a Range<size_t> object, but also keep the strand information |
CSequenceFeature | The base interface for sequence features |
CBasicSequenceFeature | A very simple implementation of the SequenceFeature class |
CSequenceFeatureSet | A simple ensemble of sequence features |
CSequenceFeatureTools | |
CFastq | The fastq sequence file format |
CAlignmentFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to remove ambiguously aligned or non-informative regions |
CAlignmentFilter2MafIterator | Filter maf blocks to remove ambiguously aligned or non-informative regions |
CBlockLengthMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to keep only the ones with a minimum number of sites |
CBlockMergerMafIterator | Merge blocks if some of their sequences are contiguous |
CBlockSizeMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to keep only the ones with a minimum number of species |
CChromosomeMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to keep only the block corresponding to one chromosome (of a reference sequence) |
CConcatenateMafIterator | Concatenate blocks up to a certain size |
CCoordinatesOutputMafIterator | Output each sequence coordinates for each block |
CCoordinateTranslatorMafIterator | Translate features coordinates from one species to another, based on the alignment |
CDuplicateFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to remove duplicated blocks, according to a reference sequence) |
CEntropyFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks highly divergent regions |
CFeatureExtractorMafIterator | Extract alignments corresponding to sequence features given as a vector of SequenceFeature objects |
CFeatureFilterMafIterator | Remove from alignment all positions that fall within any feature from a list given as a SequenceFeatureSet object |
CFullGapFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to remove in each block the positions made only of gaps |
CIterationListener | Listener which enables to catch events when parsing a Maf file |
CAbstractStatisticsOutputIterationListener | Iteration listener that works with a SequenceStatisticsMafIterator, enabling output of results in a file (partial implementation, format-independent) |
CCsvStatisticsOutputIterationListener | Iteration listener that works with a SequenceStatisticsMafIterator, enabling output of results in a file in CSv format |
CMafBlock | A synteny block data structure, the basic unit of a MAF alignement file |
CMafIterator | Interface to loop over maf alignment blocks |
CAbstractMafIterator | Partial implementation of the MafIterator interface |
CMafTrashIterator | Interface to loop over removed blocks of a maf alignment |
CAbstractFilterMafIterator | Helper class for developping filter for maf blocks |
CTrashIteratorAdapter | |
CMafIteratorSynchronizer | This special iterator synchronizes two adaptors |
CMafParser | MAF file parser |
CMafSequence | A sequence class which is used to store data from MAF files |
CMafStatisticsResult | General interface for storing statistical results |
CSimpleMafStatisticsResult | A simple maf statistics result, with only one value |
CMafStatistics | General interface for computing statistics based on a Maf block |
CAbstractMafStatistics | Partial implementation of MafStatistics, for convenience |
CAbstractMafStatisticsSimple | Partial implementation of MafStatistics, for convenience |
CPairwiseDivergenceMafStatistics | Computes the pairwise divergence for a pair of sequences in a maf block |
CBlockSizeMafStatistics | Computes the number of sequences in a maf block |
CBlockLengthMafStatistics | Computes the number of columns in a maf block |
CSequenceLengthMafStatistics | Retrieve the sequence length (number of nucleotides) for a given species in a maf block |
CAlignmentScoreMafStatistics | Retrieves the alignment score of a maf block |
CAbstractSpeciesSelectionMafStatistics | Partial implementation of MafStatistics for method working on a subset of species, in a site-wise manner |
CAbstractSpeciesMultipleSelectionMafStatistics | Partial implementation of MafStatistics for method working on multiple distinct subsets of species, in a site-wise manner |
CCharacterCountsMafStatistics | Compute the base frequencies of a maf block |
▼CSiteFrequencySpectrumMafStatistics | Compute the Site Frequency Spectrum of a maf block |
CCategorizer | |
CFourSpeciesPatternCountsMafStatistics | Compute the frequency of site patterns for a quadruplet of species |
CSiteMafStatistics | Compute a few site statistics in a maf block |
CPolymorphismMafStatistics | Counts number of polymorphic / fixed sites in two populations |
CSequenceDiversityMafStatistics | Provide estimates of sequence diversity |
CMaskFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to remove regions with masked positions |
CMsmcOutputMafIterator | This iterator outputs all SNPs in the format readable by MSMC |
COrderFilterMafIterator | This iterator check that blocks are ordered according to a reference sequence |
COrphanSequenceFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to keep a the ones which display a specified combination of species |
COutputAlignmentMafIterator | This iterator forward the iterator given as input after having printed its content to an alignment file. The syntax for ENSEMBL meta data is used |
COutputMafIterator | This iterator forward the iterator given as input after having printed its content to a file |
CPlinkOutputMafIterator | This iterator outputs all biallelic SNPs in the PLINK format (ped and map files) |
CQualityFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to remove regions with low quality |
CRemoveEmptySequencesMafIterator | Remove ga-only or unresolved and gap-only sequences in each block |
CSequenceFilterMafIterator | Filter maf blocks to keep a subset of sequences, given their name. this filter can also be used to filter block which contain a certain set of sequences |
CSequenceLDhotOutputMafIterator | This iterator forward the iterator given as input after having printed its content to an alignment file |
CSequenceStatisticsMafIterator | Compute a series of sequence statistics for each block |
CSequenceStreamToMafIterator | A MafIterator built from a sequence stream |
CTableOutputMafIterator | This iterator outputs sequence states for selected species and positions |
CVcfOutputMafIterator | This iterator performs a simple SNP call from the MAF blocks, and outputs the results in the Variant Call Format (VCF) |
CWindowSplitMafIterator | Splits block into windows of given sizes |