bpp-seq-omics  2.4.1
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBedGraphFeatureReaderA simple reader for features in the BedGraph format
 CFeatureReaderInterface for feature readers
 CGffFeatureReaderA simple reader implementing the Gene Finding Feature format
 CGtfFeatureReaderA simple reader implementing the Gene Transfer Format
 CSeqRangeCoordinate range on a sequence. Stores coordinates as a Range<size_t> object, but also keep the strand information
 CSequenceFeatureThe base interface for sequence features
 CBasicSequenceFeatureA very simple implementation of the SequenceFeature class
 CSequenceFeatureSetA simple ensemble of sequence features
 CFastqThe fastq sequence file format
 CAlignmentFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to remove ambiguously aligned or non-informative regions
 CAlignmentFilter2MafIteratorFilter maf blocks to remove ambiguously aligned or non-informative regions
 CBlockLengthMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to keep only the ones with a minimum number of sites
 CBlockMergerMafIteratorMerge blocks if some of their sequences are contiguous
 CBlockSizeMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to keep only the ones with a minimum number of species
 CChromosomeMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to keep only the block corresponding to one chromosome (of a reference sequence)
 CConcatenateMafIteratorConcatenate blocks up to a certain size
 CCoordinatesOutputMafIteratorOutput each sequence coordinates for each block
 CCoordinateTranslatorMafIteratorTranslate features coordinates from one species to another, based on the alignment
 CDuplicateFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to remove duplicated blocks, according to a reference sequence)
 CEntropyFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks highly divergent regions
 CFeatureExtractorMafIteratorExtract alignments corresponding to sequence features given as a vector of SequenceFeature objects
 CFeatureFilterMafIteratorRemove from alignment all positions that fall within any feature from a list given as a SequenceFeatureSet object
 CFullGapFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to remove in each block the positions made only of gaps
 CIterationListenerListener which enables to catch events when parsing a Maf file
 CAbstractStatisticsOutputIterationListenerIteration listener that works with a SequenceStatisticsMafIterator, enabling output of results in a file (partial implementation, format-independent)
 CCsvStatisticsOutputIterationListenerIteration listener that works with a SequenceStatisticsMafIterator, enabling output of results in a file in CSv format
 CMafBlockA synteny block data structure, the basic unit of a MAF alignement file
 CMafIteratorInterface to loop over maf alignment blocks
 CAbstractMafIteratorPartial implementation of the MafIterator interface
 CMafTrashIteratorInterface to loop over removed blocks of a maf alignment
 CAbstractFilterMafIteratorHelper class for developping filter for maf blocks
 CMafIteratorSynchronizerThis special iterator synchronizes two adaptors
 CMafParserMAF file parser
 CMafSequenceA sequence class which is used to store data from MAF files
 CMafStatisticsResultGeneral interface for storing statistical results
 CSimpleMafStatisticsResultA simple maf statistics result, with only one value
 CMafStatisticsGeneral interface for computing statistics based on a Maf block
 CAbstractMafStatisticsPartial implementation of MafStatistics, for convenience
 CAbstractMafStatisticsSimplePartial implementation of MafStatistics, for convenience
 CPairwiseDivergenceMafStatisticsComputes the pairwise divergence for a pair of sequences in a maf block
 CBlockSizeMafStatisticsComputes the number of sequences in a maf block
 CBlockLengthMafStatisticsComputes the number of columns in a maf block
 CSequenceLengthMafStatisticsRetrieve the sequence length (number of nucleotides) for a given species in a maf block
 CAlignmentScoreMafStatisticsRetrieves the alignment score of a maf block
 CAbstractSpeciesSelectionMafStatisticsPartial implementation of MafStatistics for method working on a subset of species, in a site-wise manner
 CAbstractSpeciesMultipleSelectionMafStatisticsPartial implementation of MafStatistics for method working on multiple distinct subsets of species, in a site-wise manner
 CCharacterCountsMafStatisticsCompute the base frequencies of a maf block
 CSiteFrequencySpectrumMafStatisticsCompute the Site Frequency Spectrum of a maf block
 CFourSpeciesPatternCountsMafStatisticsCompute the frequency of site patterns for a quadruplet of species
 CSiteMafStatisticsCompute a few site statistics in a maf block
 CPolymorphismMafStatisticsCounts number of polymorphic / fixed sites in two populations
 CSequenceDiversityMafStatisticsProvide estimates of sequence diversity
 CMaskFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to remove regions with masked positions
 CMsmcOutputMafIteratorThis iterator outputs all SNPs in the format readable by MSMC
 COrderFilterMafIteratorThis iterator check that blocks are ordered according to a reference sequence
 COrphanSequenceFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to keep a the ones which display a specified combination of species
 COutputAlignmentMafIteratorThis iterator forward the iterator given as input after having printed its content to an alignment file. The syntax for ENSEMBL meta data is used
 COutputMafIteratorThis iterator forward the iterator given as input after having printed its content to a file
 CPlinkOutputMafIteratorThis iterator outputs all biallelic SNPs in the PLINK format (ped and map files)
 CQualityFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to remove regions with low quality
 CRemoveEmptySequencesMafIteratorRemove ga-only or unresolved and gap-only sequences in each block
 CSequenceFilterMafIteratorFilter maf blocks to keep a subset of sequences, given their name. this filter can also be used to filter block which contain a certain set of sequences
 CSequenceLDhotOutputMafIteratorThis iterator forward the iterator given as input after having printed its content to an alignment file
 CSequenceStatisticsMafIteratorCompute a series of sequence statistics for each block
 CSequenceStreamToMafIteratorA MafIterator built from a sequence stream
 CTableOutputMafIteratorThis iterator outputs sequence states for selected species and positions
 CVcfOutputMafIteratorThis iterator performs a simple SNP call from the MAF blocks, and outputs the results in the Variant Call Format (VCF)
 CWindowSplitMafIteratorSplits block into windows of given sizes