►Nbpp | This alphabet is used to deal NumericAlphabet |
NIntegerTools | |
NTextTools | |
CAbstractAlphabet | A partial implementation of the Alphabet interface |
►CAllelicAlphabet | The base class for allelic alphabets |
CAllelicTransliterator | |
CAlphabet | The Alphabet interface |
CAlphabetException | The alphabet exception base class |
CBadCharException | An alphabet exception thrown when trying to specify a bad char to the alphabet |
CBadIntException | An alphabet exception thrown when trying to specify a bad int to the alphabet |
CAlphabetMismatchException | Exception thrown when two alphabets do not match |
CCharStateNotSupportedException | Exception thrown in case no character is available for a certain state in an alphabet |
CAlphabetNumericState | States that do have a double value |
CAlphabetState | This is the base class to describe states in an Alphabet |
CAlphabetTools | Utilitary functions dealing with alphabets |
CBinaryAlphabet | The BinaryAlphabet class, letters are 0 and 1 |
CCaseMaskedAlphabet | Case-sensitive letter alphabet |
CCodonAlphabet | Codon alphabet class |
CDefaultAlphabet | The DefaultAlphabet class |
CDNA | This alphabet is used to deal with DNA sequences |
CIntegerAlphabet | The Integer Alphabet class, letters are from 0 to a given number, MAX |
CLetterAlphabet | Specialized partial implementation of Alphabet using single letters |
CLexicalAlphabet | Alphabet made of given words |
CNucleicAlphabet | The abstract base class for nucleic alphabets |
CNucleicAlphabetState | This is the base class to describe states in a NucleicAlphabet |
CNumericAlphabet | |
CProteicAlphabet | This alphabet is used to deal with proteins |
CProteicAlphabetState | This is the base class to describe states in a ProteicAlphabet |
CRNA | This alphabet is used to deal with RNA sequences |
CRNY | |
CCoreWordAlphabet | The interface class for word alphabets |
CWordAlphabet | The base class for word alphabets |
CAAChargeIndex | Charge of each amino acid |
CAAChenGuHuangHydrophobicityIndex | Hydrophobicity of each amino acid, according to Table 1 in Chen, Gu and Huang, BMC Bioinformatics 2006 |
CAAChouFasmanAHelixIndex | A-Helix score for the Chou-Fasman algorithm of secondary structure prediction, according to http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/aainfo/chou.htm |
CAAChouFasmanBSheetIndex | B-sheet score for the Chou-Fasman algorithm of secondary structure prediction, according to http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/aainfo/chou.htm |
CAAChouFasmanTurnIndex | Turn score for the Chou-Fasman algorithm of secondary structure prediction, according to http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/aainfo/chou.htm |
CAAIndex1Entry | Create a AlphabetIndex1 object from an AAIndex2 entry |
CAAIndex2Entry | Create a AlphabetIndex2 object from an AAIndex2 entry |
CAAMassIndex | Mass (dalton) of each amino acid, according to http://www.imb-jena.de/IMAGE_AA.html |
CAASEA1030Index | Percentage of amino acids having a Solvent Exposed Area between 10 and 30 Angström^2 for each type of amino acid, according to http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/aainfo/access.htm |
CAASEAInf10Index | Percentage of amino acids having a Solvent Exposed Area below 10 Angström^2 for each type of amino acid, according to http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/aainfo/access.htm |
CAASEASup30Index | Percentage of amino acids having a Solvent Exposed Area above 30 Angström^2 for each type of amino acid, according to http://prowl.rockefeller.edu/aainfo/access.htm |
CAASurfaceIndex | Surface (Angström^2) of each amino acid, according to http://www.imb-jena.de/IMAGE_AA.html |
CAAVolumeIndex | Volume (Angström^3) of each amino acid, according to http://www.imb-jena.de/IMAGE_AA.html (Note: original webpage is not available anymore) |
CAlphabetIndex1 | One dimensionnal alphabet index interface |
CProteicAlphabetIndex1 | |
CAlphabetIndex2 | Two dimensionnal alphabet index interface |
CProteicAlphabetIndex2 | Virtual AlphabetIndex2 for proteic alphabet |
CBLOSUM50 | BLOSUM 50 Substitution Matrix |
CCodonFromProteicAlphabetIndex1 | AlphabetIndex1 for codon based on ProteicAlphabetIndex1 |
CCodonFromProteicAlphabetIndex2 | |
CDefaultNucleotideScore | Default Substitution Matrix for nucleotide alignments |
CGranthamAAChemicalDistance | Grantham (1974) Amino-Acid chemical distance |
CGranthamAAPolarityIndex | Polarity index used in Grantham (1974) |
CGranthamAAVolumeIndex | Volume index used in Grantham (1974) |
CKD_AAHydropathyIndex | Hydropathy index defined in Kyte & Doolitle (1982) |
CKleinAANetChargeIndex | Charge of each amino acid |
CMiyataAAChemicalDistance | Miyata et al. (1979) Amino-Acid chemical distance |
CSimpleIndexDistance | Simple dissimilarity distance |
CSimpleScore | Simple Substitution Matrix, with match and mismatch penalties |
CUserAlphabetIndex1 | Alphabet index given by user |
CUserAlphabetIndex2 | Alphabet index given by user |
CBppSequenceApplication | |
CSequenceApplicationTools | This class provides some common tools for applications |
CCodonSiteTools | Utilitary functions for codon sites |
CCommentable | |
CSimpleCommentable | |
CAbstractTemplateSequenceContainer | Partial implementation of the SequenceContainer interface |
CTemplateAlignedSequenceContainer | The AlignedSequencesContainer class |
CTemplateAlignmentDataInterface | The Container of Aligned Values interface |
CCompressedVectorSiteContainer | A low memory, yet restricted, version of the VectorSiteContainer class |
CMappedNamedContainer | MappedNamedContainer class |
CNamedContainerInterface | A Container template for objects that are accessible through names |
CPositionedContainerInterface | The PositionedContainer interface |
CPositionedNamedContainerInterface | The template PositionedNamedContainer interface, that links position & name containers |
CTemplateSequenceContainerInterface | The SequenceContainer interface |
CSwitchDeleter | |
CSequenceNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a sequence is not found The sequence not found exception base class |
CEmptyContainerException | Exception thrown when an empty container is found |
CSequenceContainerTools | Utilitary methods dealing with sequence containers |
CTemplateSequenceDataInterface | The SequenceData interface |
CSequencedValuesContainer | |
CTemplateSiteContainerInterface | The SiteContainer interface |
CSiteNotFoundException | The site not found exception base class |
CAbstractTemplateSiteContainerIterator | Partial implementation of the SiteIterator interface, allowing to loop over a site container |
CSimpleTemplateSiteContainerIterator | Loop over all sites in a SiteContainer |
CNoGapTemplateSiteContainerIterator | Loop over all sites without gaps in a SiteContainer |
CCompleteTemplateSiteContainerIterator | Loop over all complete sites in a SiteContainer (i.e. sites without gap and unresolved characters) |
CSiteContainerTools | Some utililitary methods to deal with site containers |
CVectorMappedContainer | The template VectorMappedContainer class |
CVectorPositionedContainer | The template VectorPositionedContainer class |
CTemplateVectorSequenceContainer | The VectorSequenceContainer class |
CTemplateVectorSiteContainer | The VectorSiteContainer class |
CCoreSequenceInterface | The core sequence interface |
CAbstractCoreSequence | A partial implementation of the CoreSequence interface |
CCoreSiteInterface | The core site interface |
CAbstractCoreSite | A partial implementation of the CoreSite interface |
CCruxSymbolListInterface | The CruxSymbolList interface |
CTemplateCoreSymbolListInterface | The CoreSymbolList interface |
CCoreSymbolListEditionEvent | |
CCoreSymbolListInsertionEvent | |
CCoreSymbolListDeletionEvent | |
CCoreSymbolListSubstitutionEvent | |
CCoreSymbolListListener | |
CTemplateEventDrivenCoreSymbolListInterface | Interface for event-driven CoreSymbolList objects |
CDistanceMatrix | A Matrix class to store phylogenetic distances |
CDNAToRNA | Reverse iterator to convert RNA to DNA |
CAscidianMitochondrialGeneticCode | This class implements the ascidian mitochondrial genetic code as describe on the NCBI web site: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG13 |
CCiliateNuclearGeneticCode | This class implements the mold, protozoan, and coelenterate mitochondrial code and the Mycoplasma/Spiroplasma code as describe on the NCBI website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG4 |
CEchinodermMitochondrialGeneticCode | This class implements the Echinoderm and Faltworms Mitochondrial genetic code as describe on the NCBI website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG9 |
CStopCodonException | Exception thrown when a stop codon is found |
CGeneticCode | Partial implementation of the Transliterator interface for genetic code object |
CInvertebrateMitochondrialGeneticCode | This class implements the Invertebrate Mitochondrial genetic code as describe on the NCBI website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG5 |
CMoldMitochondrialGeneticCode | This class implements the mold, protozoan, and coelenterate mitochondrial code and the Mycoplasma/Spiroplasma code as describe on the NCBI website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG4 |
CStandardGeneticCode | This class implements the standard genetic code as describe on the NCBI web site: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG1 |
CVertebrateMitochondrialGeneticCode | This class implements the vertebrate mitochondrial genetic code as describe on the NCBI web site: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG2 |
CYeastMitochondrialGeneticCode | This class implements the Invertebrate Mitochondrial genetic code as describe on the NCBI website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=t#SG3 |
CIntSymbolListInterface | The specific IntSymbolList interface |
CIntSymbolList | A basic IntSymbolList object |
CEventDrivenIntSymbolList | A event-driven IntSymbolList object |
CAbstractIAlignment | Partial implementation of the IAlignment interface, dedicated to alignment readers |
CAbstractIAlignment2 | Partial implementation of the IAlignment and ISequence interface, dedicated to alignment readers |
CAbstractIProbabilisticAlignment | |
CAbstractIProbabilisticAlignment2 | |
CAbstractISequence | Partial implementation of the ISequence interface |
CAbstractIProbabilisticSequence | Partial implementation of the IProbabilisticSequence interface |
CAbstractOAlignment | Partial implementation of the OAlignment interface |
CAbstractOProbabilisticAlignment | Partial implementation of the OProbabilisticAlignment interface |
CAbstractOSequence | Partial implementation of the OSequence interface |
CAbstractOSequence2 | Partial implementation of the OAlignment interface |
CAbstractOProbabilisticSequence | Partial implementation of the OProbabilisticSequence interface |
CAbstractOProbabilisticSequence2 | Partial implementation of the OProbabilisticAlignment interface |
CBppOAlignmentReaderFormat | Sequence I/O in BppO format |
CBppOAlignmentWriterFormat | Sequence I/O in BppO format |
CBppOAlphabetIndex1Format | AlphabetIndex1 I/O in BppO format |
CBppOAlphabetIndex2Format | AlphabetIndex2 I/O in BppO format |
CBppOSequenceReaderFormat | Sequence I/O in BppO format |
CBppOSequenceStreamReaderFormat | Sequence I/O in BppO format |
CBppOSequenceWriterFormat | Sequence I/O in BppO format |
CClustal | The clustal sequence file format |
CDCSE | Support for the Dedicated Comparative Sequence Editor format |
►CFasta | The fasta sequence file format |
CFileIndex | The SequenceFileIndex class for Fasta format |
CGenBank | The GenBank sequence file format |
CIODistanceMatrix | General interface for distance matrix I/O |
CIDistanceMatrix | General interface for distance matrix readers |
CODistanceMatrix | General interface for distance matrix writers |
CAbstractIDistanceMatrix | Partial implementation of the IDistanceMatrix interface |
CAbstractODistanceMatrix | Partial implementation of the ODistanceMatrix interface |
CIODistanceMatrixFactory | Utilitary class for creating distance matrix readers and writers |
CIOSequence | The IOSequence interface |
CIOProbabilisticSequence | The IOProbabislisticSequence interface |
CIoSequenceFactory | Utilitary class for creating sequence readers and writers |
CIOSequenceStream | The IOSequenceStream interface |
CISequence | The ISequence interface |
CIAlignment | The IAlignment interface |
CIProbabilisticSequence | The IProbabilisticSequence interface |
CIProbabilisticAlignment | The IProbabilisticSequence interface |
CTemplateISequenceStream | The ISequenceStream interface |
CMaseHeader | A class to store information from the header of Mase files |
CMase | The mase sequence file format |
CMaseTools | Utilitary methods that deal with the Mase format |
CNexusIOSequence | The Nexus format reader for sequences |
CNexusTools | Tools for parsing Nexus files |
COSequence | The OSequence interface |
COAlignment | The OAlignment interface |
COProbabilisticSequence | The OProbabilisticSequence interface |
COProbabilisticAlignment | The OProbabilisticAlignment interface |
CTemplateOSequenceStream | The OSequenceStream interface |
CPasta | The Pasta sequence file format |
CPhredPhd | The phd sequence file format from phred software |
CPhredPoly | The poly sequence file format from phred software |
CPhylip | The Phylip & co format |
CPhylipDistanceMatrixFormat | Distance matrix I/O in Phylip format |
CSequenceFileIndex | Index to retrieve Sequence in a file |
CStockholm | The Stockholm alignment file format |
CTemplateStreamSequenceIterator | A sequence iterator based on a sequence stream |
CNucleicAcidsReplication | Replication between to nucleic acids |
CProbabilisticSequenceInterface | The probabilistic sequence interface |
CProbabilisticSequence | A basic implementation of the ProbabilisticSequence interface |
CProbabilisticSiteInterface | The ProbabilisticSite interface |
CProbabilisticSite | |
CProbabilisticSymbolListInterface | The ProbabilisticSymbolList interface |
CProbabilisticSymbolList | ProbabilisticSymbolList object |
CSequenceInterface | The sequence interface |
CSequence | A basic implementation of the Sequence interface |
CSequenceException | The sequence exception base class |
CEmptySequenceException | Exception thrown when a sequence is found to be empty and it should not |
CSequenceWithGapException | Exception thrown when a sequence is found to have gap and it should not |
CSequenceNotAlignedException | Exception thrown when a sequence is not align with others |
CTemplateSequenceIteratorInterface | Generic sequence iterator interface, allowing to loop over sequences |
CSequencePositionIterator | Loop over a Sequence |
CAbstractSequencePositionIterator | Partial implementation of the SequencePositionIterator interface |
CSimpleSequencePositionIterator | Loop over all positions in a Sequence |
CBowkerTest | Bowker's homogeneity test results class |
CSequenceTools | SequenceTools static class |
CSequenceWalker | A helper class to easily convert coordinates between sequence and alignments |
CSequenceAnnotation | Interface for sequence annotations |
CSequenceWithAnnotation | An implementation of the Sequence interface that supports annotation |
CSequenceMask | |
CSequenceWithAnnotationTools | The SequenceWithAnnotationTools static class |
CSequenceQuality | The SequenceQuality class |
CSequenceWithQuality | A SequenceWithAnnotation class with quality scores attached |
CSequenceWithQualityTools | The SequenceWithQualityTools static class |
CSiteInterface | The site interface |
CSite | The Site class |
CSiteException | The site exception base class |
CEmptySiteException | Exception sent when a empty site is found |
CSiteWithGapException | Exception sent when a site containing gap is found |
CTemplateSiteIteratorInterface | Generic site iterator interface, allowing to loop over sites |
CSiteTools | Utilitary methods dealing with sites |
CStringSequenceTools | Utilitary methods working on raw string objects |
CAbstractTemplateSymbolList | A partial implementation of a SymbolList object |
CAbstractTemplateEventDrivenSymbolList | A partial implementation of a EventDrivenSymbolList object |
CSymbolListTools | Utilitary functions dealing with both sites and sequences |
CTransliteratorInterface | This interface is used when translating a sequence from an alphabet to another: it gives the translation rules, eg: RNA -> DNA |
CReverseTransliteratorInterface | The same as previous, but can perform the reverse translation, eg: RNA -> DNA and DNA -> RNA; |
CAbstractTransliterator | Partial implementation of the Transliterator interface |
CAbstractReverseTransliterator | Partial implementation of the ReverseTransliterator interface |