This is the complete list of members for bpp::Node, including all inherited members.
addSon(size_t pos, Node *node) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
addSon(Node *node) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
addSubTree(const PhyloTree &tree, std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode > phyloNode) | bpp::Node | |
branchProperties_ | bpp::Node | mutableprotected |
clone() const | bpp::Node | inline |
degree() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
deleteBranchProperties() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
deleteBranchProperty(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
deleteDistanceToFather() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
deleteName() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
deleteNodeProperties() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
deleteNodeProperty(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
distanceToFather_ | bpp::Node | protected |
father_ | bpp::Node | protected |
getBootstrapValue() const | bpp::Node | virtual |
getBranchProperty(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getBranchProperty(const std::string &name) const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getBranchPropertyNames() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getDistanceToFather() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getFather() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getFather() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getFatherId() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getId() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getName() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getNeighbors() const | bpp::Node | |
getNeighbors() | bpp::Node | |
getNodeProperty(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getNodeProperty(const std::string &name) const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getNodePropertyNames() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getNumberOfSons() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getSon(size_t pos) const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getSon(size_t pos) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getSonPosition(const Node *son) const | bpp::Node | virtual |
getSons() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
getSonsId() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
hasBootstrapValue() const | bpp::Node | virtual |
hasBranchProperty(const std::string &name) const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
hasDistanceToFather() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
hasFather() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
hasName() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
hasNodeProperty(const std::string &name) const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
hasNoSon() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
id_ | bpp::Node | protected |
isLeaf() const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
name_ | bpp::Node | protected |
Node() | bpp::Node | inline |
Node(int id) | bpp::Node | inline |
Node(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inline |
Node(int id, const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inline |
Node(const Node &node) | bpp::Node | |
nodeProperties_ | bpp::Node | mutableprotected |
operator=(const Node &node) | bpp::Node | |
operator==(const Node &node) const | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
operator[](int i) | bpp::Node | inline |
operator[](int i) const | bpp::Node | inline |
removeBranchProperties() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeBranchProperty(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeFather() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeNodeProperties() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeNodeProperty(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeSon(size_t pos) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeSon(Node *node) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
removeSons() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setBranchProperty(const std::string &name, const Clonable &property) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setDistanceToFather(double distance) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setFather(Node *node) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setId(int id) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setName(const std::string &name) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setNodeProperty(const std::string &name, const Clonable &property) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
setSon(size_t pos, Node *node) | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |
sons_ | bpp::Node | protected |
swap(size_t branch1, size_t branch2) | bpp::Node | virtual |
~Node() | bpp::Node | inlinevirtual |