This is the complete list of members for bpp::TreeTools, including all inherited members.
bestRootPosition_(Tree &tree, int nodeId1, int nodeId2, double length) | bpp::TreeTools | privatestatic |
bipartitionOccurrences(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr, std::vector< size_t > &bipScore) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
BOOTSTRAP | bpp::TreeTools | static |
checkIds(const Tree &tree, bool throwException) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
computeBootstrapValues(Tree &tree, const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr, bool verbose=true, int format=0) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
computeBranchLengthsGrafen(Tree &tree, double power=1, bool init=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
computeBranchLengthsGrafen(Tree &tree, int nodeId, double power, double total, double &height, double &heightRaised) | bpp::TreeTools | privatestatic |
constrainedMidPointRooting(Tree &tree) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
convertToClockTree(Tree &tree, int nodeId, bool noneg=false) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
convertToClockTree2(Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
fullyResolvedConsensus(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr, bool checkNames=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getAncestors(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getBranchLengths(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getDepth(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getDepths(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, std::map< int, size_t > &depths) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getDistanceBetweenAnyTwoNodes(const Tree &tree, int nodeId1, int nodeId2) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getDistanceMatrix(const Tree &tree) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getHeight(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getHeights(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, std::map< int, double > &heights) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getLastCommonAncestor(const Tree &tree, const std::vector< int > &nodeIds) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getLeafId(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, const std::string &name) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getLeavesId(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getLeavesId(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, std::vector< int > &leaves) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getMaxId(const Tree &tree, int id) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getMPNUId(const Tree &tree, int id) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getNodesId(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getNodesId(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, std::vector< int > &nodes) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getNumberOfLeaves(const Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getPathBetweenAnyTwoNodes(const Tree &tree, int nodeId1, int nodeId2, bool includeAncestor=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
getTotalLength(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, bool includeAncestor=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
haveSameTopology(const Tree &tr1, const Tree &tr2) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
initBranchLengthsGrafen(Tree &tree) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
initBranchLengthsGrafen(Tree &tree, int nodeId) | bpp::TreeTools | privatestatic |
majorityConsensus(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr, bool checkNames=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
midpointRooting(Tree &tree) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
MRP(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
MRPEncode(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
MRPEncodeMultilabel(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
MRPMultilabel(const std::vector< Tree * > &vecTr) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
nodeToParenthesis(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, bool writeId=false) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
nodeToParenthesis(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, bool bootstrap, const std::string &propertyName) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
robinsonFouldsDistance(const Tree &tr1, const Tree &tr2, bool checkNames=true, int *missing_in_tr2=NULL, int *missing_in_tr1=NULL) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
scaleTree(Tree &tree, int nodeId, double factor) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
searchLeaf(const Tree &tree, int nodeId, const std::string &name, int *&id) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
setBranchLengths(Tree &tree, int nodeId, double brLen) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
setVoidBranchLengths(Tree &tree, int nodeId, double brLen) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
statFromNode_(Tree &tree, int rootId) | bpp::TreeTools | privatestatic |
strictConsensus(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr, bool checkNames=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
thresholdConsensus(const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tree >> &vecTr, double threshold, bool checkNames=true) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
TreeTools() | bpp::TreeTools | inline |
treeToParenthesis(const Tree &tree, bool writeId=false) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
treeToParenthesis(const Tree &tree, bool bootstrap, const std::string &propertyName) | bpp::TreeTools | static |
~TreeTools() | bpp::TreeTools | inlinevirtual |