51 std::string
const {
return "Cladogram"; }
Basic implementation of dendrogram plots.
TreeTemplate< INode > * getTree_()
CladogramDrawBranchEvent(const TreeDrawing *source, GraphicDevice *gd, const INode *node, double length_, const Cursor &cursor, short orientation)
Cursor getBranchCursor(double position) const
Cladogram representation of trees.
void recursivePlot_(GraphicDevice &gDevice, INode &node, double x, double &y, double hDirection, double vDirection, unsigned int &tipCounter) const
std::string getName() const
void treeHasChanged()
Method to implement to deal with redrawing when the underlying tree has been modified.
void drawDendrogram_(GraphicDevice &gDevice) const
void setTree(const Tree *tree=0)
CladogramPlot * clone() const
Data structure describing a plotting direction.
Event class that uses INode object (more efficient than relying on nodes id, but less generic).
Basal interface for tree drawing classes.
Interface for phylogenetic tree objects.
Defines the basic types of data flow nodes.