bpp-phyl3  3.0.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: The Bio++ Development Group
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: CECILL-2.1
6 #include <Bpp/Text/TextTools.h>
8 #include "../../PatternTools.h"
11 using namespace bpp;
13 // From the STL:
14 #include <iostream>
16 using namespace std;
18 /******************************************************************************/
21  const Tree& tree,
22  std::shared_ptr<TransitionModelInterface> model,
23  std::shared_ptr<DiscreteDistributionInterface> rDist,
24  bool checkRooted,
25  bool verbose,
26  bool usePatterns) :
27  AbstractHomogeneousTreeLikelihood(tree, model, rDist, checkRooted, verbose),
28  likelihoodData_(),
29  minusLogLik_(-1.)
30 {
31  init_(usePatterns);
32 }
34 /******************************************************************************/
37  const Tree& tree,
38  const AlignmentDataInterface& data,
39  std::shared_ptr<TransitionModelInterface> model,
40  std::shared_ptr<DiscreteDistributionInterface> rDist,
41  bool checkRooted,
42  bool verbose,
43  bool usePatterns) :
44  AbstractHomogeneousTreeLikelihood(tree, model, rDist, checkRooted, verbose),
45  likelihoodData_(),
46  minusLogLik_(-1.)
47 {
48  init_(usePatterns);
49  setData(data);
50 }
52 /******************************************************************************/
54 void RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::init_(bool usePatterns)
55 {
57  tree_,
58  rateDistribution_->getNumberOfCategories(),
59  usePatterns);
60 }
62 /******************************************************************************/
65  const RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood& lik) :
67  likelihoodData_(0),
68  minusLogLik_(lik.minusLogLik_)
69 {
72 }
74 /******************************************************************************/
77  const RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood& lik)
78 {
80  if (likelihoodData_)
81  delete likelihoodData_;
85  return *this;
86 }
88 /******************************************************************************/
91 {
92  delete likelihoodData_;
93 }
95 /******************************************************************************/
98 {
99  data_ = PatternTools::getSequenceSubset(sites, *tree_->getRootNode());
100  if (verbose_)
101  ApplicationTools::displayTask("Initializing data structure");
103  if (verbose_)
110  if (verbose_)
111  ApplicationTools::displayResult("Number of distinct sites",
113  initialized_ = false;
114 }
116 /******************************************************************************/
119 {
120  double l = 1.;
121  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites_; i++)
122  {
123  l *= getLikelihoodForASite(i);
124  }
125  return l;
126 }
128 /******************************************************************************/
131 {
132  double ll = 0;
133  vector<double> la(nbSites_);
134  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites_; i++)
135  {
136  la[i] = getLogLikelihoodForASite(i);
137  }
138  sort(la.begin(), la.end());
139  for (size_t i = nbSites_; i > 0; i--)
140  {
141  ll += la[i - 1];
142  }
143  return ll;
144 }
146 /******************************************************************************/
149 {
150  double l = 0;
151  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbClasses_; i++)
152  {
153  l += getLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(site, i) * rateDistribution_->getProbability(i);
154  }
155  return l;
156 }
158 /******************************************************************************/
161 {
162  double l = 0;
163  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbClasses_; i++)
164  {
165  double li = getLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(site, i) * rateDistribution_->getProbability(i);
166  if (li > 0)
167  l += li; // Corrects for numerical instabilities leading to slightly negative likelihoods
168  }
169  return log(l);
170 }
172 /******************************************************************************/
174 double RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(size_t site, size_t rateClass) const
175 {
176  double l = 0;
177  Vdouble* la = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(tree_->getRootNode()->getId())[likelihoodData_->getRootArrayPosition(site)][rateClass];
178  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbStates_; i++)
179  {
180  // cout << (*la)[i] << "\t" << rootFreqs_[i] << endl;
181  double li = (*la)[i] * rootFreqs_[i];
182  if (li > 0)
183  l += li; // Corrects for numerical instabilities leading to slightly negative likelihoods
184  }
185  return l;
186 }
188 /******************************************************************************/
190 double RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getLogLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(size_t site, size_t rateClass) const
191 {
192  double l = 0;
193  Vdouble* la = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(tree_->getRootNode()->getId())[likelihoodData_->getRootArrayPosition(site)][rateClass];
194  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbStates_; i++)
195  {
196  l += (*la)[i] * rootFreqs_[i];
197  }
198  // if(l <= 0.) cerr << "WARNING!!! Negative likelihood." << endl;
199  return log(l);
200 }
202 /******************************************************************************/
204 double RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getLikelihoodForASiteForARateClassForAState(size_t site, size_t rateClass, int state) const
205 {
206  return likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(tree_->getRootNode()->getId())[likelihoodData_->getRootArrayPosition(site)][rateClass][static_cast<size_t>(state)];
207 }
209 /******************************************************************************/
211 double RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getLogLikelihoodForASiteForARateClassForAState(size_t site, size_t rateClass, int state) const
212 {
213  return log(likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(tree_->getRootNode()->getId())[likelihoodData_->getRootArrayPosition(site)][rateClass][static_cast<size_t>(state)]);
214 }
216 /******************************************************************************/
219 {
220  setParametersValues(parameters);
221 }
223 /******************************************************************************/
226 {
227  applyParameters();
229  if (rateDistribution_->getParameters().getCommonParametersWith(params).size() > 0
230  || model_->getParameters().getCommonParametersWith(params).size() > 0)
231  {
232  // Rate parameter changed, need to recompute all probs:
234  }
235  else if (params.size() > 0)
236  {
237  // We may save some computations:
238  for (size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i++)
239  {
240  string s = params[i].getName();
241  if (s.substr(0, 5) == "BrLen")
242  {
243  // Branch length parameter:
244  computeTransitionProbabilitiesForNode(nodes_[TextTools::to<size_t>(s.substr(5))]);
245  }
246  }
247  rootFreqs_ = model_->getFrequencies();
248  }
253 }
255 /******************************************************************************/
258 {
259  if (!isInitialized())
260  throw Exception("RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getValue(). Instance is not initialized.");
261  return minusLogLik_;
262 }
264 /******************************************************************************
265 * First Order Derivatives *
266 ******************************************************************************/
268  size_t site,
269  size_t rateClass) const
270 {
271  double dl = 0;
272  Vdouble* dla = &likelihoodData_->getDLikelihoodArray(tree_->getRootNode()->getId())[likelihoodData_->getRootArrayPosition(site)][rateClass];
273  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbStates_; i++)
274  {
275  dl += (*dla)[i] * rootFreqs_[i];
276  }
277  return dl;
278 }
280 /******************************************************************************/
283 {
284  // Derivative of the sum is the sum of derivatives:
285  double dl = 0;
286  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbClasses_; i++)
287  {
288  dl += getDLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(site, i) * rateDistribution_->getProbability(i);
289  }
290  return dl;
291 }
293 /******************************************************************************/
296 {
297  // d(f(g(x)))/dx = dg(x)/dx . df(g(x))/dg :
298  return getDLikelihoodForASite(site) / getLikelihoodForASite(site);
299 }
301 /******************************************************************************/
304 {
305  // Derivative of the sum is the sum of derivatives:
306  double dl = 0;
307  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites_; i++)
308  {
309  dl += getDLogLikelihoodForASite(i);
310  }
312  return dl;
313 }
315 /******************************************************************************/
317 double RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getFirstOrderDerivative(const string& variable) const
318 {
319  if (!hasParameter(variable))
320  throw ParameterNotFoundException("RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getFirstOrderDerivative().", variable);
322  {
323  throw Exception("Derivatives respective to rate distribution parameter are not implemented.");
324  }
326  {
327  throw Exception("Derivatives respective to substitution model parameters are not implemented.");
328  }
330  const_cast<RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood*>(this)->computeTreeDLikelihood(variable);
332  return -getDLogLikelihood();
333 }
335 /******************************************************************************/
338 {
339  // Get the node with the branch whose length must be derivated:
340  size_t brI = TextTools::to<size_t>(variable.substr(5));
341  const Node* branch = nodes_[brI];
342  const Node* father = branch->getFather();
343  VVVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father = &likelihoodData_->getDLikelihoodArray(father->getId());
345  // Compute dLikelihoods array for the father node.
346  // Fist initialize to 1:
347  size_t nbSites = _dLikelihoods_father->size();
348  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
349  {
350  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_father)[i];
351  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
352  {
353  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_father_i)[c];
354  for (size_t s = 0; s < nbStates_; s++)
355  {
356  (*_dLikelihoods_father_i_c)[s] = 1.;
357  }
358  }
359  }
361  size_t nbNodes = father->getNumberOfSons();
362  for (size_t l = 0; l < nbNodes; l++)
363  {
364  const Node* son = father->getSon(l);
366  vector<size_t>* _patternLinks_father_son = &likelihoodData_->getArrayPositions(father->getId(), son->getId());
367  VVVdouble* _likelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(son->getId());
369  if (son == branch)
370  {
371  VVVdouble* dpxy__son = &dpxy_[son->getId()];
373  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
374  {
375  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
376  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_father)[i];
377  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
378  {
379  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
380  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_father_i)[c];
381  VVdouble* dpxy__son_c = &(*dpxy__son)[c];
382  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
383  {
384  double dl = 0;
385  Vdouble* dpxy__son_c_x = &(*dpxy__son_c)[x];
386  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
387  {
388  dl += (*dpxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
389  }
390  (*_dLikelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= dl;
391  }
392  }
393  }
394  }
395  else
396  {
397  VVVdouble* pxy__son = &pxy_[son->getId()];
398  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
399  {
400  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
401  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_father)[i];
402  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
403  {
404  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
405  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_father_i)[c];
406  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
407  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
408  {
409  double dl = 0;
410  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
411  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
412  {
413  dl += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
414  }
415  (*_dLikelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= dl;
416  }
417  }
418  }
419  }
420  }
422  // Now we go down the tree toward the root node:
424 }
426 /******************************************************************************/
429 {
430  const Node* father = node->getFather();
431  // We assume that the _dLikelihoods array has been filled for the current node 'node'.
432  // We will evaluate the array for the father node.
433  if (father == NULL)
434  return; // We reached the root!
436  // Compute dLikelihoods array for the father node.
437  // Fist initialize to 1:
438  VVVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father = &likelihoodData_->getDLikelihoodArray(father->getId());
439  size_t nbSites = _dLikelihoods_father->size();
440  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
441  {
442  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_father)[i];
443  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
444  {
445  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_father_i)[c];
446  for (size_t s = 0; s < nbStates_; s++)
447  {
448  (*_dLikelihoods_father_i_c)[s] = 1.;
449  }
450  }
451  }
453  size_t nbNodes = father->getNumberOfSons();
454  for (size_t l = 0; l < nbNodes; l++)
455  {
456  const Node* son = father->getSon(l);
457  VVVdouble* pxy__son = &pxy_[son->getId()];
459  vector<size_t>* _patternLinks_father_son = &likelihoodData_->getArrayPositions(father->getId(), son->getId());
461  if (son == node)
462  {
463  VVVdouble* _dLikelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getDLikelihoodArray(son->getId());
464  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
465  {
466  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_son_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
467  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_father)[i];
468  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
469  {
470  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_son_i)[c];
471  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_father_i)[c];
472  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
473  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
474  {
475  double dl = 0;
476  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
477  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
478  {
479  dl += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_dLikelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
480  }
481  (*_dLikelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= dl;
482  }
483  }
484  }
485  }
486  else
487  {
488  VVVdouble* _likelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(son->getId());
489  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
490  {
491  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
492  VVdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i = &(*_dLikelihoods_father)[i];
493  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
494  {
495  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
496  Vdouble* _dLikelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_dLikelihoods_father_i)[c];
497  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
498  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
499  {
500  double dl = 0;
501  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
502  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
503  {
504  dl += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
505  }
506  (*_dLikelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= dl;
507  }
508  }
509  }
510  }
511  }
513  // Next step: move toward grand father...
515 }
517 /******************************************************************************
518 * Second Order Derivatives *
519 ******************************************************************************/
521  size_t site,
522  size_t rateClass) const
523 {
524  double d2l = 0;
525  Vdouble* d2la = &likelihoodData_->getD2LikelihoodArray(tree_->getRootNode()->getId())[likelihoodData_->getRootArrayPosition(site)][rateClass];
526  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbStates_; i++)
527  {
528  d2l += (*d2la)[i] * rootFreqs_[i];
529  }
530  return d2l;
531 }
533 /******************************************************************************/
536 {
537  // Derivative of the sum is the sum of derivatives:
538  double d2l = 0;
539  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbClasses_; i++)
540  {
541  d2l += getD2LikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(site, i) * rateDistribution_->getProbability(i);
542  }
543  return d2l;
544 }
546 /******************************************************************************/
549 {
551  - pow( getDLikelihoodForASite(site) / getLikelihoodForASite(site), 2);
552 }
554 /******************************************************************************/
557 {
558  // Derivative of the sum is the sum of derivatives:
559  double dl = 0;
560  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites_; i++)
561  {
563  }
564  return dl;
565 }
567 /******************************************************************************/
569 double RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getSecondOrderDerivative(const string& variable) const
570 {
571  if (!hasParameter(variable))
572  throw ParameterNotFoundException("RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood::getSecondOrderDerivative().", variable);
574  {
575  throw Exception("Derivatives respective to rate distribution parameter are not implemented.");
576  }
578  {
579  throw Exception("Derivatives respective to substitution model parameters are not implemented.");
580  }
582  const_cast<RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood*>(this)->computeTreeD2Likelihood(variable);
584  return -getD2LogLikelihood();
585 }
587 /******************************************************************************/
590 {
591  // Get the node with the branch whose length must be derivated:
592  size_t brI = TextTools::to<size_t>(variable.substr(5));
593  const Node* branch = nodes_[brI];
594  const Node* father = branch->getFather();
596  // Compute dLikelihoods array for the father node.
597  // Fist initialize to 1:
598  VVVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father = &likelihoodData_->getD2LikelihoodArray(father->getId());
599  size_t nbSites = _d2Likelihoods_father->size();
600  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
601  {
602  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father)[i];
603  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
604  {
605  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father_i)[c];
606  for (size_t s = 0; s < nbStates_; s++)
607  {
608  (*_d2Likelihoods_father_i_c)[s] = 1.;
609  }
610  }
611  }
613  size_t nbNodes = father->getNumberOfSons();
614  for (size_t l = 0; l < nbNodes; l++)
615  {
616  const Node* son = father->getSon(l);
618  vector<size_t>* _patternLinks_father_son = &likelihoodData_->getArrayPositions(father->getId(), son->getId());
619  VVVdouble* _likelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(son->getId());
621  if (son == branch)
622  {
623  VVVdouble* d2pxy__son = &d2pxy_[son->getId()];
624  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
625  {
626  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
627  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father)[i];
628  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
629  {
630  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
631  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father_i)[c];
632  VVdouble* d2pxy__son_c = &(*d2pxy__son)[c];
633  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
634  {
635  double d2l = 0;
636  Vdouble* d2pxy__son_c_x = &(*d2pxy__son_c)[x];
637  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
638  {
639  d2l += (*d2pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
640  }
641  (*_d2Likelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= d2l;
642  }
643  }
644  }
645  }
646  else
647  {
648  VVVdouble* pxy__son = &pxy_[son->getId()];
649  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
650  {
651  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
652  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father)[i];
653  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
654  {
655  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
656  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father_i)[c];
657  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
658  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
659  {
660  double d2l = 0;
661  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
662  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
663  {
664  d2l += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
665  }
666  (*_d2Likelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= d2l;
667  }
668  }
669  }
670  }
671  }
673  // Now we go down the tree toward the root node:
675 }
677 /******************************************************************************/
680 {
681  const Node* father = node->getFather();
682  // We assume that the _dLikelihoods array has been filled for the current node 'node'.
683  // We will evaluate the array for the father node.
684  if (father == NULL)
685  return; // We reached the root!
687  // Compute dLikelihoods array for the father node.
688  // Fist initialize to 1:
689  VVVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father = &likelihoodData_->getD2LikelihoodArray(father->getId());
690  size_t nbSites = _d2Likelihoods_father->size();
691  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
692  {
693  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father)[i];
694  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
695  {
696  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father_i)[c];
697  for (size_t s = 0; s < nbStates_; s++)
698  {
699  (*_d2Likelihoods_father_i_c)[s] = 1.;
700  }
701  }
702  }
704  size_t nbNodes = father->getNumberOfSons();
705  for (size_t l = 0; l < nbNodes; l++)
706  {
707  const Node* son = father->getSon(l);
709  VVVdouble* pxy__son = &pxy_[son->getId()];
710  vector<size_t>* _patternLinks_father_son = &likelihoodData_->getArrayPositions(father->getId(), son->getId());
712  if (son == node)
713  {
714  VVVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getD2LikelihoodArray(son->getId());
715  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
716  {
717  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_son_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
718  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father)[i];
719  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
720  {
721  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_son_i)[c];
722  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father_i)[c];
723  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
724  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
725  {
726  double d2l = 0;
727  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
728  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
729  {
730  d2l += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_d2Likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
731  }
732  (*_d2Likelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= d2l;
733  }
734  }
735  }
736  }
737  else
738  {
739  VVVdouble* _likelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(son->getId());
740  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
741  {
742  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_father_son)[i]];
743  VVdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father)[i];
744  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
745  {
746  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
747  Vdouble* _d2Likelihoods_father_i_c = &(*_d2Likelihoods_father_i)[c];
748  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
749  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
750  {
751  double dl = 0;
752  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
753  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
754  {
755  dl += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
756  }
757  (*_d2Likelihoods_father_i_c)[x] *= dl;
758  }
759  }
760  }
761  }
762  }
764  // Next step: move toward grand father...
766 }
768 /******************************************************************************/
771 {
772  computeSubtreeLikelihood(tree_->getRootNode());
773 }
775 /******************************************************************************/
778 {
779  if (node->isLeaf())
780  return;
782  size_t nbSites = likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(node->getId()).size();
783  size_t nbNodes = node->getNumberOfSons();
785  // Must reset the likelihood array first (i.e. set all of them to 1):
786  VVVdouble* _likelihoods_node = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(node->getId());
787  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
788  {
789  // For each site in the sequence,
790  VVdouble* _likelihoods_node_i = &(*_likelihoods_node)[i];
791  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
792  {
793  // For each rate class,
794  Vdouble* _likelihoods_node_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_node_i)[c];
795  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
796  {
797  // For each initial state,
798  (*_likelihoods_node_i_c)[x] = 1.;
799  }
800  }
801  }
803  for (size_t l = 0; l < nbNodes; l++)
804  {
805  // For each son node,
807  const Node* son = node->getSon(l);
809  computeSubtreeLikelihood(son); // Recursive method:
811  VVVdouble* pxy__son = &pxy_[son->getId()];
812  vector<size_t>* _patternLinks_node_son = &likelihoodData_->getArrayPositions(node->getId(), son->getId());
813  VVVdouble* _likelihoods_son = &likelihoodData_->getLikelihoodArray(son->getId());
815  for (size_t i = 0; i < nbSites; i++)
816  {
817  // For each site in the sequence,
818  VVdouble* _likelihoods_son_i = &(*_likelihoods_son)[(*_patternLinks_node_son)[i]];
819  VVdouble* _likelihoods_node_i = &(*_likelihoods_node)[i];
820  for (size_t c = 0; c < nbClasses_; c++)
821  {
822  // For each rate class,
823  Vdouble* _likelihoods_son_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_son_i)[c];
824  Vdouble* _likelihoods_node_i_c = &(*_likelihoods_node_i)[c];
825  VVdouble* pxy__son_c = &(*pxy__son)[c];
826  for (size_t x = 0; x < nbStates_; x++)
827  {
828  // For each initial state,
829  Vdouble* pxy__son_c_x = &(*pxy__son_c)[x];
830  double likelihood = 0;
831  for (size_t y = 0; y < nbStates_; y++)
832  {
833  likelihood += (*pxy__son_c_x)[y] * (*_likelihoods_son_i_c)[y];
834  }
836  (*_likelihoods_node_i_c)[x] *= likelihood;
837  }
838  }
839  }
840  }
841 }
843 /******************************************************************************/
846 {
847  cout << "Likelihoods at node " << node->getName() << ": " << endl;
849  cout << " ***" << endl;
850 }
852 /*******************************************************************************/
static void displayLikelihoodArray(const VVVdouble &likelihoodArray)
Print the likelihood array to terminal (debugging tool).
Partial implementation for homogeneous model of the TreeLikelihood interface.
std::vector< Node * > nodes_
Pointer toward all nodes in the tree.
virtual void applyParameters()
All parameters are stored in a parameter list. This function apply these parameters to the substituti...
std::shared_ptr< TransitionModelInterface > model_
virtual void computeTransitionProbabilitiesForNode(const Node *node)
Fill the pxy_, dpxy_ and d2pxy_ arrays for one node.
ParameterList getRateDistributionParameters() const
Get the parameters associated to the rate distribution.
ParameterList getSubstitutionModelParameters() const
Get the parameters associated to substitution model(s).
virtual void computeAllTransitionProbabilities()
Fill the pxy_, dpxy_ and d2pxy_ arrays for all nodes.
AbstractHomogeneousTreeLikelihood & operator=(const AbstractHomogeneousTreeLikelihood &lik)
Assignation operator.
void setParametersValues(const ParameterList &parameters) override
bool hasParameter(const std::string &name) const override
const AlignmentDataInterface & data() const
Get the dataset for which the likelihood must be evaluated.
std::unique_ptr< const AlignmentDataInterface > data_
std::shared_ptr< TreeTemplate< Node > > tree_
static void displayTask(const std::string &text, bool eof=false)
static void displayTaskDone()
static void displayResult(const std::string &text, const T &result)
discrete Rate Across Sites, (simple) Recursive likelihood data structure.
VVVdouble & getDLikelihoodArray(int nodeId)
void initLikelihoods(const AlignmentDataInterface &sites, const TransitionModelInterface &model)
size_t getRootArrayPosition(size_t currentPosition) const
const std::vector< size_t > & getArrayPositions(int parentId, int sonId) const
DRASRTreeLikelihoodData * clone() const
VVVdouble & getLikelihoodArray(int nodeId)
void setTree(std::shared_ptr< const TreeTemplate< Node >> tree)
Set the tree associated to the data.
VVVdouble & getD2LikelihoodArray(int nodeId)
The phylogenetic node class.
Definition: Node.h:59
virtual std::string getName() const
Get the name associated to this node, if there is one, otherwise throw a NodeException.
Definition: Node.h:203
virtual int getId() const
Get the node's id.
Definition: Node.h:170
virtual const Node * getSon(size_t pos) const
Definition: Node.h:362
virtual const Node * getFather() const
Get the father of this node is there is one.
Definition: Node.h:306
virtual bool isLeaf() const
Definition: Node.h:667
virtual size_t getNumberOfSons() const
Definition: Node.h:355
size_t size() const
static std::unique_ptr< AlignmentDataInterface > getSequenceSubset(const AlignmentDataInterface &sequenceSet, const std::shared_ptr< N > node, const AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< N, E, I > &tree)
Extract the sequences corresponding to a given subtree.
Definition: PatternTools.h:44
This class implement the 'traditional' way of computing likelihood for a tree.
virtual double getD2LikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(size_t site, size_t rateClass) const
virtual double getDLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(size_t site, size_t rateClass) const
void setParameters(const ParameterList &parameters)
Implements the Function interface.
double getLikelihoodForASiteForARateClassForAState(size_t site, size_t rateClass, int state) const
Get the likelihood for a site knowing its rate class and its ancestral state.
double getLogLikelihoodForASiteForARateClassForAState(size_t site, size_t rateClass, int state) const
Get the logarithm of the likelihood for a site knowing its rate class and its ancestral state.
double getLogLikelihoodForASite(size_t site) const
Get the logarithm of the likelihood for a site.
RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood & operator=(const RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood &lik)
virtual void displayLikelihood(const Node *node)
This method is mainly for debugging purpose.
virtual void computeSubtreeLikelihood(const Node *node)
Compute the likelihood for a subtree defined by the Tree::Node node.
double getSecondOrderDerivative(const std::string &variable) const
double getLikelihoodForASite(size_t site) const
Get the likelihood for a site.
double getLogLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(size_t site, size_t rateClass) const
Get the logarithm of the likelihood for a site knowing its rate class.
void setData(const AlignmentDataInterface &sites)
Set the dataset for which the likelihood must be evaluated.
virtual double getD2LikelihoodForASite(size_t site) const
virtual void computeTreeDLikelihood(const std::string &variable)
virtual void computeTreeD2Likelihood(const std::string &variable)
RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood(const Tree &tree, std::shared_ptr< TransitionModelInterface > model, std::shared_ptr< DiscreteDistributionInterface > rDist, bool checkRooted=true, bool verbose=true, bool usePatterns=true)
Build a new RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood object without data.
virtual double getDLikelihoodForASite(size_t site) const
double getLikelihood() const
Get the likelihood for the whole dataset.
double getFirstOrderDerivative(const std::string &variable) const
virtual double getD2LogLikelihoodForASite(size_t site) const
double getLikelihoodForASiteForARateClass(size_t site, size_t rateClass) const
Get the likelihood for a site knowing its rate class.
virtual double getDLogLikelihoodForASite(size_t site) const
double getLogLikelihood() const
Get the logarithm of the likelihood for the whole dataset.
void init_(bool usePatterns)
Method called by constructors.
DRASRTreeLikelihoodData * likelihoodData_
virtual void computeDownSubtreeD2Likelihood(const Node *)
void fireParameterChanged(const ParameterList &params)
virtual void computeDownSubtreeDLikelihood(const Node *)
Interface for phylogenetic tree objects.
Definition: Tree.h:115
std::string toString(T t)
Defines the basic types of data flow nodes.
double log(const ExtendedFloat &ef)
std::vector< double > Vdouble
ExtendedFloat pow(const ExtendedFloat &ef, double exp)
std::vector< VVdouble > VVVdouble
std::vector< Vdouble > VVdouble