bpp-phyl3  3.0.0
bpp::PhyloTree Class Referenceabstract

#include <Bpp/Phyl/Tree/PhyloTree.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for bpp::PhyloTree:
+ Collaboration diagram for bpp::PhyloTree:

Public Types

typedef AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIndex NodeIndex
typedef AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIndex EdgeIndex
typedef Graph::NodeId NodeGraphid
typedef Graph::EdgeId EdgeGraphid
typedef AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIterator NodeIterator
typedef AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIterator EdgeIterator
typedef std::shared_ptr< E > Eref
typedef std::shared_ptr< N > Nref

Public Member Functions

 PhyloTree (bool rooted=false)
 PhyloTree (const PhyloTree *tree)
 PhyloTree (const ParametrizablePhyloTree &tree)
template<class T , class U >
 PhyloTree (AssociationTreeGlobalGraphObserver< T, U > tree)
PhyloTreeclone () const
std::vector< std::string > getAllLeavesNames () const
std::shared_ptr< PhyloNodegetPhyloNode (const std::string &name) const
Vdouble getBranchLengths () const
void resetNodesId ()
void setBranchLengths (double l)
void scaleTree (double factor)
 Multiply all branch lengths by a given factor. More...
void pruneTree (std::vector< std::string > leaves)
 Prune a tree to a given set of leaf names. More...
void scaleTree (std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode > node, double factor)
 Multiply all branch lengths under a Node by a given factor. More...
PhyloTreeoperator+= (const PhyloTree &phylotree)
 Add the lengths of branches of another phylotree to this one. Just branch ids are considered, whatever the topology of the trees. More...
PhyloTreeoperator-= (const PhyloTree &phylotree)
 Subtracts the lengths of branches of another phylotree to this one. Just branch ids are considered, whatever the topology of the trees. More...
PhyloTreeoperator/= (const PhyloTree &phylotree)
 Divides the lengths of branches of this phylotree by the ones of another phylotree. Just branch ids are considered, whatever the topology of the trees. More...
PhyloTreeoperator*= (const PhyloTree &phylotree)
 Multiplies the lengths of branches of this phylotree by the ones of another phylotree. Just branch ids are considered, whatever the topology of the trees. More...
void addSubTree (std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode > phyloNode, const Node &node)
 Concatenate the subtree under a Node (in a TreeTemplate<Node>) to this PhyloTree, under the given phylonode. More...
bool isValid () const
std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeToFather (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const
std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeToFather (const NodeIndex index) const
void rootAt (const std::shared_ptr< N > root)
bool isRooted () const
std::shared_ptr< N > getFatherOfNode (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const
bool hasFather (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const
bool hasFather (const NodeIndex index) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getSons (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetSons (const NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getBranches (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetBranches (const NodeIndex node) const
std::shared_ptr< N > getSon (const std::shared_ptr< E > edge) const
NodeIndex getSon (const EdgeIndex edge) const
std::shared_ptr< N > getFatherOfEdge (const std::shared_ptr< E > edge) const
NodeIndex getFatherOfEdge (const EdgeIndex edge) const
size_t getNumberOfSons (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getLeavesUnderNode (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetLeavesUnderNode (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > removeSons (const std::shared_ptr< N > node)
void removeSon (const std::shared_ptr< N > node, const std::shared_ptr< N > son)
void setFather (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject, const std::shared_ptr< N > fatherNodeObject, const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject=0)
void addSon (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject, const std::shared_ptr< N > sonNodeObject, const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject=0)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationTreeGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorsonsIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationTreeGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorsonsIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationTreeGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorbranchesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationTreeGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorbranchesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getNodePathBetweenTwoNodes (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeA, const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeB, bool includeAncestor=true) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetNodePathBetweenTwoNodes (const NodeIndex nodeA, const NodeIndex nodeB, bool includeAncestor=true) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getEdgePathBetweenTwoNodes (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeA, const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeB) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdgePathBetweenTwoNodes (const NodeIndex nodeA, const NodeIndex nodeB, bool includeAncestor=true) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getSubtreeNodes (const std::shared_ptr< N > localRoot) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetSubtreeNodes (const NodeIndex localRoot) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getSubtreeEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > localRoot) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetSubtreeEdges (const NodeIndex localRoot) const
std::shared_ptr< N > MRCA (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N >> vNodeObject) const
virtual void createNode (std::shared_ptr< N > newNodeObject)=0
virtual void createNode (std::shared_ptr< N > objectOriginNode, std::shared_ptr< N > newNodeObject, std::shared_ptr< E > newEdgeObject=00)=0
void createNode (Nref nodeObject)
void createNode (Nref objectOriginNode, Nref newNodeObject, Eref newEdgeObject=00)
virtual void createNode (std::shared_ptr< N > newNodeObject)=0
virtual void createNode (std::shared_ptr< N > objectOriginNode, std::shared_ptr< N > newNodeObject, std::shared_ptr< E > newEdgeObject=00)=0
void createNode (Nref nodeObject)
void createNode (Nref objectOriginNode, Nref newNodeObject, Eref newEdgeObject=00)
virtual void link (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectB, std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject=00)=0
void link (Nref nodeObjectA, Nref nodeObjectB, Eref edgeObject=00)
virtual void link (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectB, std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject=00)=0
void link (Nref nodeObjectA, Nref nodeObjectB, Eref edgeObject=00)
virtual void unlink (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectB)=0
void unlink (Nref nodeObjectA, Nref nodeObjectB)
virtual void unlink (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObjectB)=0
void unlink (Nref nodeObjectA, Nref nodeObjectB)
virtual void deleteNode (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject)=0
void deleteNode (Nref nodeObject)
virtual void deleteNode (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject)=0
void deleteNode (Nref nodeObject)
virtual void associateNode (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject, NodeGraphid node)=0
void associateNode (Nref nodeObject, NodeGraphid graphNode)
virtual void associateNode (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject, NodeGraphid node)=0
void associateNode (Nref nodeObject, NodeGraphid graphNode)
void associateNode (Nref nodeObject, NodeGraphid graphNode)
virtual void associateEdge (std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject, EdgeGraphid edge)=0
void associateEdge (Eref edgeObject, EdgeGraphid graphEdge)
virtual void associateEdge (std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject, EdgeGraphid edge)=0
void associateEdge (Eref edgeObject, EdgeGraphid graphEdge)
void associateEdge (Eref edgeObject, EdgeGraphid graphEdge)
virtual void dissociateNode (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject)=0
void dissociateNode (Nref nodeObject)
virtual void dissociateNode (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject)=0
void dissociateNode (Nref nodeObject)
virtual void dissociateEdge (std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject)=0
void dissociateEdge (Eref edgeObject)
virtual void dissociateEdge (std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject)=0
void dissociateEdge (Eref edgeObject)
virtual NodeGraphid getNodeGraphid (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const=0
NodeGraphid getNodeGraphid (const Nref nodeObject) const
virtual NodeGraphid getNodeGraphid (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const=0
NodeGraphid getNodeGraphid (const Nref nodeObject) const
virtual EdgeGraphid getEdgeGraphid (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject) const=0
EdgeGraphid getEdgeGraphid (const Eref edgeObject) const
virtual EdgeGraphid getEdgeGraphid (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject) const=0
EdgeGraphid getEdgeGraphid (const Eref edgeObject) const
virtual const std::shared_ptr< N > getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid) const=0
virtual std::shared_ptr< N > getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid)=0
Nref getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid node)
const Nref getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid node) const
virtual const std::shared_ptr< N > getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid) const=0
virtual std::shared_ptr< N > getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid)=0
Nref getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid node)
const Nref getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid node) const
Nref getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid node)
const Nref getNodeFromGraphid (NodeGraphid node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getNodesFromGraphid (std::vector< NodeGraphid >) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetNodesFromGraphid (std::vector< NodeGraphid > nodes) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getNodesFromGraphid (std::vector< NodeGraphid >) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetNodesFromGraphid (std::vector< NodeGraphid > nodes) const
std::vector< NrefgetNodesFromGraphid (std::vector< NodeGraphid > nodes) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid)=0
virtual const std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid) const=0
Eref getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid edge)
const Eref getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid edge) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid)=0
virtual const std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid) const=0
Eref getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid edge)
const Eref getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid edge) const
Eref getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid edge)
const Eref getEdgeFromGraphid (EdgeGraphid edge) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getEdgesFromGraphid (std::vector< EdgeGraphid >) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetEdgesFromGraphid (std::vector< EdgeGraphid > edges) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getEdgesFromGraphid (std::vector< EdgeGraphid >) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetEdgesFromGraphid (std::vector< EdgeGraphid > edges) const
std::vector< ErefgetEdgesFromGraphid (std::vector< EdgeGraphid > edges) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< N > getRoot () const=0
Nref getRoot () const
virtual std::shared_ptr< N > getRoot () const=0
Nref getRoot () const
virtual NodeIndex getRootIndex () const=0
NodeIndex getRootIndex () const
virtual NodeIndex getRootIndex () const=0
NodeIndex getRootIndex () const
virtual bool hasNodeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const=0
bool hasNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject) const
virtual bool hasNodeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const=0
bool hasNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject) const
virtual bool hasEdgeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject) const=0
bool hasEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject) const
virtual bool hasEdgeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject) const=0
bool hasEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject) const
virtual NodeIndex getNodeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const=0
NodeIndex getNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject) const
virtual NodeIndex getNodeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject) const=0
NodeIndex getNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject) const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetNodeIndexes (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N >> nodeObjects) const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetNodeIndexes (std::vector< Nref > nodes) const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetNodeIndexes (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N >> nodeObjects) const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetNodeIndexes (std::vector< Nref > nodes) const
virtual EdgeIndex getEdgeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject) const=0
EdgeIndex getEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject) const
virtual EdgeIndex getEdgeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject) const=0
EdgeIndex getEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject) const
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdgeIndexes (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E >> edgeObjects) const=0
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdgeIndexes (std::vector< Eref > edges) const
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdgeIndexes (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E >> edgeObjects) const=0
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdgeIndexes (std::vector< Eref > edges) const
virtual NodeIndex setNodeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject, NodeIndex index)=0
NodeIndex setNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject, NodeIndex index)
virtual NodeIndex setNodeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< N > nodeObject, NodeIndex index)=0
NodeIndex setNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject, NodeIndex index)
NodeIndex setNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject, NodeIndex index)
virtual EdgeIndex setEdgeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject, EdgeIndex index)=0
EdgeIndex setEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject, EdgeIndex index)
virtual EdgeIndex setEdgeIndex (const std::shared_ptr< E > edgeObject, EdgeIndex index)=0
EdgeIndex setEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject, EdgeIndex index)
EdgeIndex setEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject, EdgeIndex index)
virtual bool hasNode (NodeIndex nodeIndex) const=0
bool hasNode (NodeIndex node) const
virtual bool hasNode (NodeIndex nodeIndex) const=0
bool hasNode (Nref nodeObject) const
bool hasNode (NodeIndex node) const
bool hasNode (NodeIndex node) const
virtual bool hasEdge (EdgeIndex edgeIndex) const=0
bool hasEdge (EdgeIndex edge) const
virtual bool hasEdge (EdgeIndex edgeIndex) const=0
bool hasEdge (Eref edgeObject) const
bool hasEdge (EdgeIndex edge) const
bool hasEdge (EdgeIndex edge) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< N > getNode (NodeIndex nodeIndex) const=0
Nref getNode (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< N > getNode (NodeIndex nodeIndex) const=0
Nref getNode (NodeIndex node) const
Nref getNode (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< E > getEdge (EdgeIndex edgeIndex) const=0
Eref getEdge (EdgeIndex edge) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< E > getEdge (EdgeIndex edgeIndex) const=0
Eref getEdge (EdgeIndex edge) const
Eref getEdge (EdgeIndex edge) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorallNodesIterator ()=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorallNodesIterator () const=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorallNodesIterator ()
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorallNodesIterator () const
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorallNodesIterator ()=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorallNodesIterator () const=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorallNodesIterator ()
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorallNodesIterator () const
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratoroutgoingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
virtual std::unique_ptr< NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::NodeIteratorincomingNeighborNodesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getNeighbors (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetNeighbors (const Nref node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getNeighbors (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetNeighbors (const Nref node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdges (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetEdges (const Nref node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdges (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdges (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetEdges (const Nref node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdges (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetEdges (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getOutgoingNeighbors (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetOutgoingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetOutgoingNeighbors (const Nref node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetOutgoingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getOutgoingNeighbors (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetOutgoingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetOutgoingNeighbors (const Nref node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetOutgoingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetOutgoingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getOutgoingEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetOutgoingEdges (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetOutgoingEdges (const Nref node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetOutgoingEdges (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getOutgoingEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetOutgoingEdges (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetOutgoingEdges (const Nref node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetOutgoingEdges (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetOutgoingEdges (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getIncomingNeighbors (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetIncomingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetIncomingNeighbors (const Nref node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetIncomingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getIncomingNeighbors (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetIncomingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetIncomingNeighbors (const Nref node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetIncomingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< NodeIndexgetIncomingNeighbors (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getIncomingEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetIncomingEdges (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetIncomingEdges (const Nref node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetIncomingEdges (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getIncomingEdges (const std::shared_ptr< N > node) const=0
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetIncomingEdges (NodeIndex node) const=0
std::vector< ErefgetIncomingEdges (const Nref node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetIncomingEdges (NodeIndex node) const
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetIncomingEdges (NodeIndex node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getLeavesFromNode (std::shared_ptr< N > node, unsigned int maxDepth) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetLeavesFromNode (Nref node, unsigned int maxDepth) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getLeavesFromNode (std::shared_ptr< N > node, unsigned int maxDepth) const=0
std::vector< NrefgetLeavesFromNode (Nref node, unsigned int maxDepth) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getAllLeaves () const=0
std::vector< NrefgetAllLeaves () const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getAllLeaves () const=0
std::vector< NrefgetAllLeaves () const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllLeavesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllLeavesIndexes () const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllLeavesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllLeavesIndexes () const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getAllInnerNodes () const=0
std::vector< NrefgetAllInnerNodes () const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getAllInnerNodes () const=0
std::vector< NrefgetAllInnerNodes () const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllInnerNodesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllInnerNodesIndexes () const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllInnerNodesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllInnerNodesIndexes () const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getAllNodes () const=0
std::vector< NrefgetAllNodes () const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< N > > getAllNodes () const=0
std::vector< NrefgetAllNodes () const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllNodesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllNodesIndexes () const
virtual std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllNodesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< NodeIndexgetAllNodesIndexes () const
virtual std::unique_ptr< EdgeIteratorallEdgesIterator ()=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorallEdgesIterator ()
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorallEdgesIterator () const
virtual std::unique_ptr< EdgeIteratorallEdgesIterator ()=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorallEdgesIterator ()
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorallEdgesIterator () const
virtual std::unique_ptr< EdgeIteratoroutgoingEdgesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratoroutgoingEdgesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratoroutgoingEdgesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< EdgeIteratoroutgoingEdgesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratoroutgoingEdgesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratoroutgoingEdgesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< EdgeIteratorincomingEdgesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorincomingEdgesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorincomingEdgesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::unique_ptr< EdgeIteratorincomingEdgesIterator (std::shared_ptr< N > node)=0
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorincomingEdgesIterator (Nref node)
std::unique_ptr< typename AssociationGraphObserver< N, E >::EdgeIteratorincomingEdgesIterator (Nref node) const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getAllEdges () const=0
std::vector< ErefgetAllEdges () const
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< E > > getAllEdges () const=0
std::vector< ErefgetAllEdges () const
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetAllEdgesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetAllEdgesIndexes () const
virtual std::vector< EdgeIndexgetAllEdgesIndexes () const=0
std::vector< EdgeIndexgetAllEdgesIndexes () const
virtual std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeLinking (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeB) const=0
Eref getEdgeLinking (Nref nodeA, Nref nodeB) const
virtual std::shared_ptr< E > getEdgeLinking (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeB) const=0
Eref getEdgeLinking (Nref nodeA, Nref nodeB) const
virtual void setEdgeLinking (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeB, std::shared_ptr< E > edge)=0
void setEdgeLinking (Nref nodeA, Nref nodeB, Eref edge)
virtual void setEdgeLinking (std::shared_ptr< N > nodeA, std::shared_ptr< N > nodeB, std::shared_ptr< E > edge)=0
void setEdgeLinking (Nref nodeA, Nref nodeB, Eref edge)
virtual void deletedEdgesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &edgesToDelete)=0
void deletedEdgesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &edgesToDelete)
virtual void deletedEdgesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &edgesToDelete)=0
void deletedEdgesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &edgesToDelete)
virtual void deletedNodesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &nodesToDelete)=0
void deletedNodesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &nodesToDelete)
virtual void deletedNodesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &nodesToDelete)=0
void deletedNodesUpdate (const std::vector< unsigned int > &nodesToDelete)
NodeIndex addNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject)
NodeIndex addNodeIndex (const Nref nodeObject)
EdgeIndex addEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject)
EdgeIndex addEdgeIndex (const Eref edgeObject)
void setRoot (const Nref newRoot)
void setRoot (const Nref newRoot)
void outputToDot (const std::string &fname, const std::string &name) const
void outputToDot (std::ostream &out, const std::string &name) const
void outputToDot (const std::string &fname, const std::string &name) const
void outputToDot (std::ostream &out, const std::string &name) const
bool isLeaf (const Nref node) const
bool isLeaf (const NodeIndex nodeid) const
bool isLeaf (const Nref node) const
bool isLeaf (const NodeIndex nodeid) const
bool isLeaf (const NodeIndex nodeid) const
std::pair< Nref, NrefgetNodes (Eref edge) const
std::pair< Nref, NrefgetNodes (Eref edge) const
size_t getNumberOfNodes () const
size_t getNumberOfNodes () const
size_t getNumberOfEdges () const
size_t getNumberOfEdges () const
size_t getNumberOfLeaves () const
size_t getNumberOfLeaves () const
size_t getDegree (const Nref node) const
size_t getDegree (const Nref node) const
const std::shared_ptr< TreeGraphImplgetGraph () const
std::shared_ptr< TreeGraphImplgetGraph ()
std::string nodeToString (const Nref nodeObject) const
std::string edgeToString (const Eref edgeObject) const
std::string getName () const
 Tree name. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)

Static Public Member Functions

static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&!std::is_abstract< B >::value, B * >::type *=0)
static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&std::is_abstract< B >::value, B * >::type *=0)
static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&!std::is_abstract< A >::value, B * >::type *=0)
static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&std::is_abstract< A >::value &&std::is_base_of< Clonable, A >::value, B * >::type *=0)
static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&std::is_abstract< A >::value &&!std::is_base_of< Clonable, A >::value, B * >::type *=0)
static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&std::is_abstract< A >::value &&std::is_base_of< Clonable, A >::value, B * >::type *=0)
static B * copy (const A &a, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< B, A >::value &&std::is_abstract< A >::value &&!std::is_base_of< Clonable, A >::value, B * >::type *=0)

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr< TreeGraphImplsubjectGraph_

Private Types

enum  neighborType

Private Member Functions

std::vector< NrefgetNeighbors_ (const Nref nodeObject, neighborType type) const
std::vector< ErefgetEdges_ (const Nref nodeObject, neighborType type) const

Private Attributes

std::string name_
std::vector< NrefgraphidToN_
std::vector< ErefgraphidToE_
std::map< Nref, NodeGraphidNToGraphid_
std::map< Eref, EdgeGraphidEToGraphid_
std::vector< NrefindexToN_
std::vector< ErefindexToE_
std::map< Nref, NodeIndexNToIndex_
std::map< Eref, EdgeIndexEToIndex_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file PhyloTree.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PhyloTree() [1/4]

PhyloTree::PhyloTree ( bool  rooted = false)

Definition at line 11 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

Referenced by clone().

◆ PhyloTree() [2/4]

PhyloTree::PhyloTree ( const PhyloTree tree)

Definition at line 16 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

◆ PhyloTree() [3/4]

PhyloTree::PhyloTree ( const ParametrizablePhyloTree tree)

Definition at line 21 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

◆ PhyloTree() [4/4]

template<class T , class U >
bpp::PhyloTree::PhyloTree ( AssociationTreeGlobalGraphObserver< T, U >  tree)

Definition at line 38 of file PhyloTree.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addSubTree()

◆ clone()

PhyloTree* bpp::PhyloTree::clone ( ) const

Reimplemented from bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >.

Definition at line 43 of file PhyloTree.h.

References PhyloTree().

Referenced by bpp::NexusIOTree::write_().

◆ getAllLeavesNames()

std::vector< std::string > PhyloTree::getAllLeavesNames ( ) const

◆ getBranchLengths()

Vdouble PhyloTree::getBranchLengths ( ) const

◆ getName()

std::string bpp::PhyloTree::getName ( ) const

Tree name.

Definition at line 53 of file PhyloTree.h.

References name_.

◆ getPhyloNode()

std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode > PhyloTree::getPhyloNode ( const std::string &  name) const

◆ operator*=()

PhyloTree & PhyloTree::operator*= ( const PhyloTree phylotree)

Multiplies the lengths of branches of this phylotree by the ones of another phylotree. Just branch ids are considered, whatever the topology of the trees.

phylotreeThe dividant PhyloTree

Definition at line 181 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

References bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getAllEdges(), bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getEdge(), bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getEdgeIndex(), bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::hasEdge(), and bpp::TextTools::toString().

◆ operator+=()

PhyloTree & PhyloTree::operator+= ( const PhyloTree phylotree)

◆ operator-=()

PhyloTree & PhyloTree::operator-= ( const PhyloTree phylotree)

◆ operator/=()

PhyloTree & PhyloTree::operator/= ( const PhyloTree phylotree)

Divides the lengths of branches of this phylotree by the ones of another phylotree. Just branch ids are considered, whatever the topology of the trees.

phylotreeThe dividant PhyloTree

Definition at line 162 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

References bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getAllEdges(), bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getEdge(), bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getEdgeIndex(), bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::hasEdge(), and bpp::TextTools::toString().

◆ pruneTree()

void PhyloTree::pruneTree ( std::vector< std::string >  leaves)

◆ resetNodesId()

◆ scaleTree() [1/2]

void PhyloTree::scaleTree ( double  factor)

Multiply all branch lengths by a given factor.

factorThe factor to multiply all branch lengths with.

Definition at line 77 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

References bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getRoot().

Referenced by bpp::PhyloTreeTools::convertToClockTree2().

◆ scaleTree() [2/2]

void PhyloTree::scaleTree ( std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode node,
double  factor 

Multiply all branch lengths under a Node by a given factor.

nodeThe node defining the subtree.
factorThe factor to multiply all branch lengths with.

Definition at line 65 of file PhyloTree.cpp.

References bpp::AssociationTreeGraphImplObserver< class, class, class >::getSubtreeEdges().

◆ setBranchLengths()

void PhyloTree::setBranchLengths ( double  l)

◆ setName()

void bpp::PhyloTree::setName ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 58 of file PhyloTree.h.

References name_.

Member Data Documentation

◆ name_

std::string bpp::PhyloTree::name_

Definition at line 28 of file PhyloTree.h.

Referenced by getName(), and setName().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: