38 Exception(
"PhyloNodeException: " + text +
"(id:" + TextTools::
toString(nodeId) +
93 PhyloNodeException::operator=(nex);
221 Exception(
"PhyloBranchException: " + text +
"(id:" + TextTools::
toString(branchId) +
276 PhyloBranchException::operator=(nex);
415 Exception::operator=(tex);
General exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular branch.
virtual uint getBranchId() const
Get the id of branch that threw the exception.
virtual ~PhyloBranchException()
PhyloBranchException(const std::string &text, uint branchId)
Build a new PhyloBranchPException.
Exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular branch.
PhyloBranchNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &id)
Build a new PhyloBranchNotFoundException.
virtual std::string getId() const
Get the branch id that threw the exception.
virtual ~PhyloBranchNotFoundException()
General exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular branch.
virtual ~PhyloBranchPException()
PhyloBranchPException(const PhyloBranchPException &nex)
PhyloBranchPException(const std::string &text, const PhyloTree &tree, const std::shared_ptr< PhyloBranch > branch)
Build a new PhyloBranchPException.
virtual uint getBranchId() const
Get the id of branch that threw the exception.
virtual const PhyloBranch * getBranch() const
Get the branch that threw the exception.
PhyloBranchPException & operator=(const PhyloBranchPException &nex)
const PhyloBranch * branch_
PhyloBranchPException(const std::string &text, uint branchId)
Build a new PhyloBranchPException.
General exception thrown if a property could not be found.
PhyloBranchPropertyNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &propertyName, const PhyloTree &tree, const std::shared_ptr< PhyloBranch > branch)
Build a new PropertyNotFoundException (Branch).
virtual const std::string & getPropertyName() const
Get the name of the property that could not be found.
std::string propertyName_
virtual ~PhyloBranchPropertyNotFoundException()
PhyloBranchPropertyNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &propertyName, uint branchId)
Build a new PropertyNotFoundException.
PhyloBranchPropertyNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &propertyName, const PhyloBranch *branch)
Build a new PropertyNotFoundException (Branch).
General exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular node.
virtual ~PhyloNodeException()
virtual uint getNodeId() const
Get the id of node that threw the exception.
PhyloNodeException(const std::string &text, uint nodeId)
Build a new PhyloNodeException.
Exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular node.
virtual ~PhyloNodeNotFoundException()
PhyloNodeNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &id)
Build a new PhyloNodeNotFoundException.
virtual std::string getId() const
Get the node id that threw the exception.
General exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular node.
virtual ~PhyloNodePException()
PhyloNodePException(const std::string &text, const PhyloTree &tree, const std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode > node)
Build a new PhyloNodePException.
PhyloNodePException & operator=(const PhyloNodePException &nex)
virtual const PhyloNode * getNode() const
Get the node that threw the exception.
PhyloNodePException(const PhyloNodePException &nex)
PhyloNodePException(const std::string &text, uint nodeId)
Build a new PhyloNodePException.
virtual uint getNodeId() const
Get the id of node that threw the exception.
General exception thrown if a property could not be found.
std::string propertyName_
PhyloNodePropertyNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &propertyName, const PhyloNode *node)
Build a new PropertyNotFoundException (Node).
PhyloNodePropertyNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &propertyName, const PhyloTree &tree, const std::shared_ptr< PhyloNode > node)
Build a new PropertyNotFoundException (Node).
PhyloNodePropertyNotFoundException(const std::string &text, const std::string &propertyName, uint nodeId)
Build a new PropertyNotFoundException.
virtual ~PhyloNodePropertyNotFoundException()
virtual const std::string & getPropertyName() const
Get the name of the property that could not be found.
General exception thrown when something wrong happened in a tree.
virtual ~PhyloTreeException()
PhyloTreeException & operator=(const PhyloTreeException &tex)
PhyloTreeException(const PhyloTreeException &tex)
virtual const PhyloTree * getTree() const
Get the tree that threw the exception.
PhyloTreeException(const std::string &text, const PhyloTree *tree=0)
Build a new PhyloTreeException.
Exception thrown when a tree is expected to be rooted.
virtual ~UnrootedPhyloTreeException()
UnrootedPhyloTreeException(const std::string &text, const PhyloTree *tree=0)
Build a new UnrootedPhyloTreeException.
std::string toString(T t)
Defines the basic types of data flow nodes.