bpp-phyl3  3.0.0
bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel Class Referenceabstract

Class for neutral substitution models on triplets, following the mutation process proposed in Doron-Fagenboim & Pupko, 2006, but without equilibrium frequencies. This model is an extension of Kimura 2-rates substitution model to codons. More...

#include <Bpp/Phyl/Model/Codon/AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel:
+ Collaboration diagram for bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel:

Public Member Functions

 AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel (std::shared_ptr< const GeneticCode > gCode, const std::string &prefix="AbstractDFP. ")
 Build a new AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel object. More...
 AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel (const AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel &mod)
AbstractDFPSubstitutionModeloperator= (const AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel &mod)
virtual ~AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel ()
AbstractDFPSubstitutionModelclone () const override=0
std::shared_ptr< const GeneticCodegetGeneticCode () const override
void fireParameterChanged (const ParameterList &parameters) override
 Tells the model that a parameter value has changed. More...
size_t getNumberOfStates ()
double getCodonsMulRate (size_t i, size_t j) const override
 Calls the multiplication by the specific codon-codon rate. More...
virtual size_t getNumberOfStates () const=0
 Get the number of states. More...
virtual const CodonFrequencySetInterfacecodonFrequencySet () const =0
virtual bool hasCodonFrequencySet () const =0
virtual void setFreq (std::map< int, double > &frequencies)=0
virtual void setFreq (std::map< int, double > &frequencies)=0
 Set equilibrium frequencies. More...
virtual size_t getNumberOfIndependentParameters () const=0
virtual void aliasParameters (const std::string &p1, const std::string &p2)=0
virtual void aliasParameters (std::map< std::string, std::string > &unparsedParams, bool verbose)=0
virtual void unaliasParameters (const std::string &p1, const std::string &p2)=0
virtual const ParameterListgetIndependentParameters () const=0
virtual std::vector< std::string > getAlias (const std::string &name) const=0
virtual std::map< std::string, std::string > getAliases () const=0
virtual bool hasParameter (const std::string &name) const=0
virtual const ParameterListgetParameters () const=0
virtual const Parameterparameter (const std::string &name) const=0
virtual double getParameterValue (const std::string &name) const=0
virtual void setAllParametersValues (const ParameterList &parameters)=0
virtual void setParameterValue (const std::string &name, double value)=0
virtual void setParametersValues (const ParameterList &parameters)=0
virtual bool matchParametersValues (const ParameterList &parameters)=0
virtual void removeConstraint (const std::string &name)=0
virtual void setConstraint (const std::string &name, std::shared_ptr< ConstraintInterface > constraint)=0
virtual size_t getNumberOfParameters () const=0
virtual void setNamespace (const std::string &prefix)=0
virtual std::string getNamespace () const=0
virtual std::string getParameterNameWithoutNamespace (const std::string &name) const=0
virtual double Qij (size_t i, size_t j) const =0
 A method for computing all necessary matrices. More...
virtual const Matrix< double > & generator () const =0
virtual const Matrix< double > & exchangeabilityMatrix () const =0
virtual double Sij (size_t i, size_t j) const =0
virtual void enableEigenDecomposition (bool yn)=0
 Set if eigenValues and Vectors must be computed. More...
virtual bool enableEigenDecomposition ()=0
 Tell if eigenValues and Vectors must be computed. More...
virtual const VdoublegetEigenValues () const =0
virtual const VdoublegetIEigenValues () const =0
virtual bool isDiagonalizable () const =0
virtual bool isNonSingular () const =0
virtual const Matrix< double > & getRowLeftEigenVectors () const =0
virtual const Matrix< double > & getColumnRightEigenVectors () const =0
virtual void setScalable (bool scalable)=0
 sets if model is scalable, ie scale can be changed. Default : true, set to false to avoid normalization for example. More...
virtual bool isScalable () const =0
 returns if model is scalable More...
virtual double getScale () const =0
 Get the scalar product of diagonal elements of the generator and the frequencies vector. If the generator is normalized, then scale=1. Otherwise each element must be multiplied by 1/scale. More...
virtual void setScale (double scale)=0
 Multiplies the current generator by the given scale. More...
virtual void normalize ()=0
 Normalize the generator. More...
virtual void setDiagonal ()=0
 set the diagonal of the generator such that sum on each line equals 0. More...
virtual double freq (size_t i) const =0
virtual double Pij_t (size_t i, size_t j, double t) const =0
virtual double dPij_dt (size_t i, size_t j, double t) const =0
virtual double d2Pij_dt2 (size_t i, size_t j, double t) const =0
virtual const VdoublegetFrequencies () const =0
virtual bool computeFrequencies () const =0
virtual void computeFrequencies (bool yn)=0
virtual const Matrix< double > & getPij_t (double t) const =0
virtual const Matrix< double > & getdPij_dt (double t) const =0
virtual const Matrix< double > & getd2Pij_dt2 (double t) const =0
virtual const Eigen::VectorXd & Lik_t (const Eigen::VectorXd &values, double t) const =0
virtual const Eigen::VectorXd & dLik_dt (const Eigen::VectorXd &values, double t) const =0
virtual const Eigen::VectorXd & d2Lik_dt2 (const Eigen::VectorXd &values, double t) const =0
virtual void setFreqFromData (const SequenceDataInterface &data, double pseudoCount=0)=0
 Set equilibrium frequencies equal to the frequencies estimated from the data. More...
virtual std::string getName () const =0
 Get the name of the model. More...
virtual const std::vector< int > & getAlphabetStates () const =0
virtual const StateMapInterfacestateMap () const =0
virtual std::shared_ptr< const StateMapInterfacegetStateMap () const =0
virtual std::vector< size_t > getModelStates (int code) const =0
 Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet. More...
virtual std::vector< size_t > getModelStates (const std::string &code) const =0
 Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet. More...
virtual int getAlphabetStateAsInt (size_t index) const =0
virtual std::string getAlphabetStateAsChar (size_t index) const =0
virtual const Alphabetalphabet () const =0
virtual std::shared_ptr< const AlphabetgetAlphabet () const =0
virtual const FrequencySetInterfacefrequencySet () const =0
virtual size_t getNumberOfStates () const =0
 Get the number of states. More...
virtual double getInitValue (size_t i, int state) const =0
virtual double getRate () const =0
 Get the rate. More...
virtual void setRate (double rate)=0
 Set the rate of the model (must be positive). More...
virtual void addRateParameter ()=0
bool computeFrequencies () const
void computeFrequencies (bool yn)
const Matrix< double > & generator () const
const Matrix< double > & exchangeabilityMatrix () const
const Matrix< double > & getPij_t (double t) const
const Matrix< double > & getdPij_dt (double t) const
const Matrix< double > & getd2Pij_dt2 (double t) const
double Sij (size_t i, size_t j) const
const VdoublegetEigenValues () const
const VdoublegetIEigenValues () const
bool isDiagonalizable () const
bool isNonSingular () const
const Matrix< double > & getRowLeftEigenVectors () const
const Matrix< double > & getColumnRightEigenVectors () const
virtual double Qij (size_t i, size_t j) const
 A method for computing all necessary matrices. More...
void enableEigenDecomposition (bool yn)
 Set if eigenValues and Vectors must be computed. More...
bool enableEigenDecomposition ()
 Tell if eigenValues and Vectors must be computed. More...
void setScalable (bool scalable)
 sets if model is scalable, ie scale can be changed. Default : true, set to false to avoid normalization for example. More...
virtual bool isScalable () const
 returns if model is scalable More...
double getScale () const
 return scale More...
void setScale (double scale)
 Multiplies the current generator by the given scale. More...
void normalize ()
 normalize the generator More...
void setDiagonal ()
 set the diagonal of the generator such that sum on each line equals 0. More...
const Alphabetalphabet () const override
std::shared_ptr< const AlphabetgetAlphabet () const override
const StateMapInterfacestateMap () const override
std::shared_ptr< const StateMapInterfacegetStateMap () const override
size_t getNumberOfStates () const override
 Get the number of states. More...
const std::vector< int > & getAlphabetStates () const override
std::string getAlphabetStateAsChar (size_t index) const override
int getAlphabetStateAsInt (size_t index) const override
std::vector< size_t > getModelStates (int code) const override
 Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet. More...
std::vector< size_t > getModelStates (const std::string &code) const override
 Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet. More...
const VdoublegetFrequencies () const override
virtual double freq (size_t i) const override
virtual double Pij_t (size_t i, size_t j, double t) const override
virtual double dPij_dt (size_t i, size_t j, double t) const override
virtual double d2Pij_dt2 (size_t i, size_t j, double t) const override
double getInitValue (size_t i, int state) const override
void setFreqFromData (const SequenceDataInterface &data, double pseudoCount=0) override
 Set equilibrium frequencies equal to the frequencies estimated from the data. More...
virtual void setFreq (std::map< int, double > &freqs) override
 Set equilibrium frequencies. More...
const FrequencySetInterfacefrequencySet () const override
void addRateParameter () override
 add a "rate" parameter to the model, that handles the overall rate of the process. More...
void setVerboseLevel (short level)
short verboseLevel () const
virtual double getRate () const override
 The rate of the substitution process. More...
virtual void setRate (double rate) override
 Set the rate of the model (must be positive). More...
const Eigen::VectorXd & Lik_t (const Eigen::VectorXd &values, double t) const override
const Eigen::VectorXd & dLik_dt (const Eigen::VectorXd &values, double t) const override
const Eigen::VectorXd & d2Lik_dt2 (const Eigen::VectorXd &values, double t) const override
size_t getNumberOfIndependentParameters () const
void aliasParameters (const std::string &p1, const std::string &p2)
void aliasParameters (std::map< std::string, std::string > &unparsedParams, bool verbose)
void unaliasParameters (const std::string &p1, const std::string &p2)
const ParameterListgetIndependentParameters () const
virtual std::vector< std::string > getAlias (const std::string &name) const
virtual std::map< std::string, std::string > getAliases () const
bool hasParameter (const std::string &name) const override
const ParameterListgetParameters () const override
const Parameterparameter (const std::string &name) const override
double getParameterValue (const std::string &name) const override
void setAllParametersValues (const ParameterList &parameters) override
void setParameterValue (const std::string &name, double value) override
void setParametersValues (const ParameterList &parameters) override
bool matchParametersValues (const ParameterList &parameters) override
void removeConstraint (const std::string &name) override
void setConstraint (const std::string &name, std::shared_ptr< ConstraintInterface > constraint) override
size_t getNumberOfParameters () const override
void setNamespace (const std::string &prefix)
std::string getNamespace () const override
std::string getParameterNameWithoutNamespace (const std::string &name) const override
bool hasIndependentParameter (const std::string &name) const
ParameterList getAliasedParameters (const ParameterList &pl) const
ParameterList getFromParameters (const ParameterList &pl) const
std::string getFrom (const std::string &name) const
const std::shared_ptr< Parameter > & getParameter (const std::string &name) const

Protected Member Functions

void updateMatrices_ () override
 Method inherited from AbstractSubstitutionModel. More...
virtual ParameterListgetParameters_ ()=0
virtual VdoublegetFrequencies_ ()=0
VdoublegetFrequencies_ () override
ParameterListgetParameters_ () override
const std::shared_ptr< Parameter > & getParameter (size_t i) const
std::shared_ptr< Parameter > & getParameter (size_t i)
void addParameter_ (Parameter *parameter)
void addParameters_ (const ParameterList &parameters)
void shareParameter_ (const std::shared_ptr< Parameter > &parameter)
void shareParameters_ (const ParameterList &parameters)
void includeParameters_ (const ParameterList &parameters)
void deleteParameter_ (size_t index)
void deleteParameter_ (std::string &name)
void deleteParameters_ (const std::vector< std::string > &names)
void resetParameters_ ()
ParametergetParameter_ (const std::string &name)
ParametergetParameter_ (size_t index)
const ParametergetParameter_ (size_t index) const
ParametergetParameterWithNamespace_ (const std::string &name)
const ParametergetParameterWithNamespace_ (const std::string &name) const

Protected Attributes

bool isScalable_
 If the model is scalable (ie generator can be normalized automatically). More...
RowMatrix< double > generator_
 The generator matrix $Q$ of the model. More...
bool computeFreq_
 if the Frequencies must be computed from the generator More...
RowMatrix< double > exchangeability_
 The exchangeability matrix $S$ of the model, defined as $ S_{ij}=\frac{Q_{ij}}{\pi_j}$. When the model is reversible, this matrix is symmetric. More...
bool eigenDecompose_
 Tell if the eigen decomposition should be performed. More...
Vdouble eigenValues_
 The vector of eigen values. More...
Vdouble iEigenValues_
 The vector of the imaginary part of the eigen values. More...
bool isDiagonalizable_
 boolean value for diagonalizability in R of the generator_ More...
RowMatrix< double > rightEigenVectors_
 The $U^-1$ matrix made of right eigen vectors (by column). More...
bool isNonSingular_
 boolean value for non-singularity of rightEigenVectors_ More...
RowMatrix< double > leftEigenVectors_
 The $U$ matrix made of left eigen vectors (by row) if rightEigenVectors_ is non-singular. More...
std::vector< RowMatrix< double > > vPowGen_
 vector of the powers of generator_ for Taylor development (if rightEigenVectors_ is singular). More...
RowMatrix< double > tmpMat_
 For computational issues. More...
std::shared_ptr< const Alphabetalphabet_
 The alphabet relevant to this model. More...
std::shared_ptr< const StateMapInterfacestateMap_
 The map of model states with alphabet states. More...
size_t size_
 The number of states. More...
double rate_
 The rate of the model (default: 1). The generator (and all its vectorial components) is independent of the rate, since it should be normalized. More...
Vdouble freq_
 The vector $\pi_e$ of equilibrium frequencies. More...
RowMatrix< double > pijt_
 These ones are for bookkeeping: More...
RowMatrix< double > dpijt_
RowMatrix< double > d2pijt_
short verboseLevel_

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< const GeneticCodegCode_
double tr_
double trr_
double tvv_
double trv_
double tsub_
Eigen::VectorXd lik_
ParameterList independentParameters_
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< AliasParameterListener > > aliasListenersRegister_
ParameterList parameters_
std::string prefix_

Detailed Description

Class for neutral substitution models on triplets, following the mutation process proposed in Doron-Fagenboim & Pupko, 2006, but without equilibrium frequencies. This model is an extension of Kimura 2-rates substitution model to codons.

There are 5 five free parameters:

"tr" : rate between codons that differ by 1 transition "tv" : rate between codons that differ by 1 transversion. This rate is set to 1, and other parameters are ratio on this one (so 'tr' is similar to 'kappa' in YN98 model). "trr" : rate between codons that differ by 2 transversions "tvv" : rate between codons that differ by 2 transversions "trv" : rate between codons that differ by 1 transition & 1 transversion "tsub" : rate between codons that differ by 3 substitutions

Reference: Adi Doron-Faigenboim, Tal Pupko, 2007, A Combined Empirical and Mechanistic Codon Model, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 388–397, https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msl175

Definition at line 41 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel() [1/2]

AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel ( std::shared_ptr< const GeneticCode gCode,
const std::string &  prefix = "AbstractDFP. " 

◆ AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel() [2/2]

bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel ( const AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel mod)

Definition at line 58 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h.

◆ ~AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel()

virtual bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::~AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel ( )

Definition at line 78 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRateParameter() [1/2]

void AbstractTransitionModel::addRateParameter ( )

add a "rate" parameter to the model, that handles the overall rate of the process.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 63 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.cpp.

References bpp::AbstractParameterAliasable::addParameter_(), bpp::AbstractParameterAliasable::getNamespace(), bpp::Parameter::R_PLUS_STAR, and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::rate_.

◆ addRateParameter() [2/2]

◆ alphabet() [1/2]

◆ alphabet() [2/2]

const Alphabet& bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::alphabet ( ) const

◆ clone()

AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel* bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::clone ( ) const
overridepure virtual

◆ codonFrequencySet()

◆ computeFrequencies() [1/4]

◆ computeFrequencies() [2/4]

◆ computeFrequencies() [3/4]

void bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::computeFrequencies ( bool  yn)
Set if equilibrium frequencies should be computed

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Definition at line 406 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::computeFreq_.

◆ computeFrequencies() [4/4]

virtual void bpp::TransitionModelInterface::computeFrequencies ( bool  yn)
pure virtualinherited

◆ d2Lik_dt2() [1/2]

virtual const Eigen::VectorXd& bpp::TransitionModelInterface::d2Lik_dt2 ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  values,
double  t 
) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ d2Lik_dt2() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd& bpp::AbstractLkTransitionModel::d2Lik_dt2 ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  values,
double  t 
) const

◆ d2Pij_dt2() [1/2]

◆ d2Pij_dt2() [2/2]

virtual double bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::d2Pij_dt2 ( size_t  i,
size_t  j,
double  t 
) const
The second order derivative of the probability of change from state i to state j with respect to time t, at time t.
See also
getd2Pij_dt2(), getStates()

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RE08, bpp::JCprot, bpp::TN93, bpp::T92, bpp::K80, bpp::JCnuc, bpp::F81, bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel, bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel, bpp::HKY85, bpp::F84, and bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 199 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getd2Pij_dt2().

Referenced by bpp::JCprot::d2Pij_dt2().

◆ dLik_dt() [1/2]

virtual const Eigen::VectorXd& bpp::TransitionModelInterface::dLik_dt ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  values,
double  t 
) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ dLik_dt() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd& bpp::AbstractLkTransitionModel::dLik_dt ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  values,
double  t 
) const

◆ dPij_dt() [1/2]

◆ dPij_dt() [2/2]

virtual double bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::dPij_dt ( size_t  i,
size_t  j,
double  t 
) const
The first order derivative of the probability of change from state i to state j with respect to time t, at time t.
See also
getdPij_dt(), getStates()

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RE08, bpp::JCprot, bpp::TN93, bpp::T92, bpp::K80, bpp::JCnuc, bpp::F81, bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel, bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel, bpp::HKY85, bpp::F84, and bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 198 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getdPij_dt().

Referenced by bpp::JCprot::dPij_dt().

◆ enableEigenDecomposition() [1/4]

◆ enableEigenDecomposition() [2/4]

virtual bool bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::enableEigenDecomposition ( )
pure virtualinherited

◆ enableEigenDecomposition() [3/4]

void bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::enableEigenDecomposition ( bool  yn)

Set if eigenValues and Vectors must be computed.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 432 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::eigenDecompose_.

◆ enableEigenDecomposition() [4/4]

virtual void bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::enableEigenDecomposition ( bool  yn)
pure virtualinherited

◆ exchangeabilityMatrix() [1/2]

const Matrix<double>& bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::exchangeabilityMatrix ( ) const
The matrix of exchangeability terms. It is recommended that exchangeability matrix be normalized so that the normalized generator be obtained directly by the dot product $S . \pi$.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 410 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::exchangeability_.

◆ exchangeabilityMatrix() [2/2]

virtual const Matrix<double>& bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::exchangeabilityMatrix ( ) const
pure virtualinherited
The matrix of exchangeability terms. It is recommended that exchangeability matrix be normalized so that the normalized generator be obtained directly by the dot product $S . \pi$.

Implemented in bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel, and bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel.

Referenced by bpp::Coala::Coala(), bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel::exchangeabilityMatrix(), and bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel::exchangeabilityMatrix().

◆ fireParameterChanged()

void AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::fireParameterChanged ( const ParameterList parameters)

Tells the model that a parameter value has changed.

This updates the matrices consequently.

Reimplemented from bpp::AbstractTransitionModel.

Reimplemented in bpp::DFPDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 33 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.cpp.

References bpp::AbstractParameterAliasable::getParameterValue(), tr_, trr_, trv_, tsub_, tvv_, and updateMatrices_().

Referenced by bpp::DFPDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel::fireParameterChanged().

◆ freq() [1/2]

◆ freq() [2/2]

virtual double bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::freq ( size_t  i) const
Equilibrium frequency associated to character i.
See also
getFrequencies(), getStates()

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Definition at line 195 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::freq_.

Referenced by bpp::CodonSameAARateSubstitutionModel::compute_().

◆ frequencySet() [1/2]

◆ frequencySet() [2/2]

const FrequencySetInterface& bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::frequencySet ( ) const
Get the FrequencySet of equilibrium of this model.
Exceptionif no FrequenceSet is associated to this model.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel, bpp::WAG01, bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel, bpp::LG08, bpp::JTT92, bpp::JCprot, bpp::DSO78, bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel, bpp::D1WalkSubstitutionModel, and bpp::CodonDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 207 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

◆ generator() [1/2]

const Matrix<double>& bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::generator ( ) const
The normalized Markov generator matrix, i.e. all normalized rates of changes from state i to state j. The generator is normalized so that (i) $ \forall i; \sum_j Q_{i,j} = 0 $, meaning that $ $ \forall i; Q_{i,i} = -\sum_{j \neq i}Q_{i,j}$, and (ii) $ \sum_i Q_{i,i} \times \pi_i = -1$. This means that, under normalization, the mean rate of replacement at equilibrium is 1 and that time $t$ are measured in units of expected number of changes per site. Additionally, the rate_ attribute provides the possibility to increase or decrease this mean rate.

See Kosiol and Goldman (2005), Molecular Biology And Evolution 22(2) 193-9.

See also

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 408 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::generator_.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractKroneckerWordSubstitutionModel::fillBasicGenerator_().

◆ generator() [2/2]

virtual const Matrix<double>& bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::generator ( ) const
pure virtualinherited
The normalized Markov generator matrix, i.e. all normalized rates of changes from state i to state j. The generator is normalized so that (i) $ \forall i; \sum_j Q_{i,j} = 0 $, meaning that $ $ \forall i; Q_{i,i} = -\sum_{j \neq i}Q_{i,j}$, and (ii) $ \sum_i Q_{i,i} \times \pi_i = -1$. This means that, under normalization, the mean rate of replacement at equilibrium is 1 and that time $t$ are measured in units of expected number of changes per site. Additionally, the rate_ attribute provides the possibility to increase or decrease this mean rate.

See Kosiol and Goldman (2005), Molecular Biology And Evolution 22(2) 193-9.

See also

Implemented in bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel, and bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel.

Referenced by bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::dPij_dt(), bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel::generator(), bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel::generator(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::Pij_t(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::updateMatrices_(), and bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_().

◆ getAlphabet() [1/2]

◆ getAlphabet() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr<const Alphabet> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getAlphabet ( ) const

◆ getAlphabetStateAsChar() [1/2]

virtual std::string bpp::BranchModelInterface::getAlphabetStateAsChar ( size_t  index) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getAlphabetStateAsChar() [2/2]

std::string bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getAlphabetStateAsChar ( size_t  index) const
indexThe model state.
The corresponding alphabet state as character code.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 179 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

◆ getAlphabetStateAsInt() [1/2]

virtual int bpp::BranchModelInterface::getAlphabetStateAsInt ( size_t  index) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getAlphabetStateAsInt() [2/2]

int bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getAlphabetStateAsInt ( size_t  index) const
indexThe model state.
The corresponding alphabet state as character code.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 181 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractCodonSubstitutionModel::completeMatrices_(), and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getInitValue().

◆ getAlphabetStates() [1/2]

virtual const std::vector<int>& bpp::BranchModelInterface::getAlphabetStates ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getAlphabetStates() [2/2]

const std::vector<int>& bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getAlphabetStates ( ) const
The alphabet states of each state of the model, as a vector of int codes.
See also

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 177 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

Referenced by bpp::DFP07::DFP07(), bpp::YNGP_M3::YNGP_M3(), and bpp::YNGP_M8::YNGP_M8().

◆ getCodonsMulRate()

double AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::getCodonsMulRate ( size_t  i,
size_t  j 
) const

Calls the multiplication by the specific codon-codon rate.

Implements bpp::CoreCodonSubstitutionModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::DFPDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 71 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.cpp.

References bpp::abs(), tr_, trr_, trv_, tsub_, and tvv_.

Referenced by bpp::DFPDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel::getCodonsMulRate(), and updateMatrices_().

◆ getColumnRightEigenVectors() [1/2]

const Matrix<double>& bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getColumnRightEigenVectors ( ) const
A matrix with right eigen vectors. Each column in the matrix stands for an eigen vector.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 428 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::rightEigenVectors_.

◆ getColumnRightEigenVectors() [2/2]

virtual const Matrix<double>& bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::getColumnRightEigenVectors ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getd2Pij_dt2() [1/2]

◆ getd2Pij_dt2() [2/2]

◆ getdPij_dt() [1/2]

◆ getdPij_dt() [2/2]

◆ getEigenValues() [1/2]

const Vdouble& bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getEigenValues ( ) const
A vector with all real parts of the eigen values of the generator of this model;

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 418 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::eigenValues_.

◆ getEigenValues() [2/2]

virtual const Vdouble& bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::getEigenValues ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getFrequencies() [1/2]

◆ getFrequencies() [2/2]

const Vdouble& bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getFrequencies ( ) const
A vector of all equilibrium frequencies.
See also

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Definition at line 187 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::freq_.

Referenced by bpp::SENCA::setFreq().

◆ getFrequencies_() [1/2]

◆ getFrequencies_() [2/2]

◆ getGeneticCode()

std::shared_ptr<const GeneticCode> bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::getGeneticCode ( ) const

Implements bpp::CodonSubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 83 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h.

References gCode_.

◆ getIEigenValues() [1/2]

const Vdouble& bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getIEigenValues ( ) const
A vector with all imaginary parts of the eigen values of the generator of this model;

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 420 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::iEigenValues_.

◆ getIEigenValues() [2/2]

virtual const Vdouble& bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::getIEigenValues ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getInitValue() [1/2]

virtual double bpp::BranchModelInterface::getInitValue ( size_t  i,
int  state 
) const
pure virtualinherited

This method is used to initialize likelihoods in recursions. It typically sends 1 if i = state, 0 otherwise, where i is one of the possible states of the alphabet allowed in the model and state is the observed state in the considered sequence/site.

ithe index of the state in the model.
stateAn observed state in the sequence/site.
1 or 0 depending if the two states are compatible.
IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif array position is out of range.
BadIntExceptionif states are not allowed in the associated alphabet.
See also

Implemented in bpp::TransitionFromTransitionModel, bpp::RE08, bpp::OneChangeTransitionModel, bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel, bpp::MultinomialFromTransitionModel, bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedTransitionModel, and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedTransitionModel::getInitValue(), bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel::getInitValue(), bpp::MultinomialFromTransitionModel::getInitValue(), bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel::getInitValue(), bpp::OneChangeTransitionModel::getInitValue(), and bpp::TransitionFromTransitionModel::getInitValue().

◆ getInitValue() [2/2]

double AbstractTransitionModel::getInitValue ( size_t  i,
int  state 
) const

This method is used to initialize likelihoods in recursions. It typically sends 1 if i = state, 0 otherwise, where i is one of the possible states of the alphabet allowed in the model and state is the observed state in the considered sequence/site.

ithe index of the state in the model.
stateAn observed state in the sequence/site.
1 or 0 depending if the two states are compatible.
IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif array position is out of range.
BadIntExceptionif states are not allowed in the associated alphabet.
See also

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RE08.

Definition at line 70 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.cpp.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::alphabet_, bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getAlphabetStateAsInt(), and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::size_.

◆ getModelStates() [1/4]

virtual std::vector<size_t> bpp::BranchModelInterface::getModelStates ( const std::string &  code) const
pure virtualinherited

Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet.

codeThe alphabet state to check.
A vector of indices of model states.

Implemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel, bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractWrappedModel, and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel.

◆ getModelStates() [2/4]

std::vector<size_t> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getModelStates ( const std::string &  code) const

Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet.

codeThe alphabet state to check.
A vector of indices of model states.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 185 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

◆ getModelStates() [3/4]

virtual std::vector<size_t> bpp::BranchModelInterface::getModelStates ( int  code) const
pure virtualinherited

Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet.

codeThe alphabet state to check.
A vector of indices of model states.

Implemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel, bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractWrappedModel, and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel.

Referenced by bpp::SubstitutionModelSet::getModelStates(), and bpp::AbstractWrappedModel::getModelStates().

◆ getModelStates() [4/4]

std::vector<size_t> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getModelStates ( int  code) const

Get the state in the model corresponding to a particular state in the alphabet.

codeThe alphabet state to check.
A vector of indices of model states.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 183 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

◆ getName()

virtual std::string bpp::BranchModelInterface::getName ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

Get the name of the model.

The name of this model.

Implemented in bpp::WordSubstitutionModel, bpp::TS98, bpp::TransitionFromTransitionModel, bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel, bpp::RE08, bpp::WAG01, bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel, bpp::LLG08_UL3, bpp::LLG08_UL3::EmbeddedModel, bpp::LLG08_UL2, bpp::LLG08_UL2::EmbeddedModel, bpp::LLG08_EX3, bpp::LLG08_EX3::EmbeddedModel, bpp::LLG08_EX2, bpp::LLG08_EX2::EmbeddedModel, bpp::LLG08_EHO, bpp::LLG08_EHO::EmbeddedModel, bpp::LGL08_CAT, bpp::LGL08_CAT::EmbeddedModel, bpp::LG08, bpp::JTT92, bpp::JCprot, bpp::DSO78, bpp::Coala, bpp::POMO, bpp::OneChangeTransitionModel, bpp::OneChangeRegisterTransitionModel, bpp::YpR_Gen, bpp::YpR_Sym, bpp::TN93, bpp::T92, bpp::SSR, bpp::RN95s, bpp::RN95, bpp::L95, bpp::K80, bpp::JCnuc, bpp::GTR, bpp::gBGC, bpp::F81, bpp::MultinomialFromTransitionModel, bpp::MixtureOfTransitionModels, bpp::MixtureOfATransitionModel, bpp::KroneckerWordSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::G2001, bpp::FromMixtureSubstitutionModel, bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel, bpp::D1WalkSubstitutionModel, bpp::YNGP_M9, bpp::YNGP_M8, bpp::YNGP_M7, bpp::YNGP_M3, bpp::YNGP_M2, bpp::YNGP_M10, bpp::YNGP_M1, bpp::YN98, bpp::TripletSubstitutionModel, bpp::SENCA, bpp::RELAX, bpp::MG94, bpp::KroneckerCodonDistanceSubstitutionModel, bpp::KroneckerCodonDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel, bpp::KCM, bpp::GY94, bpp::DFPDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel, bpp::DFP07, bpp::CodonSameAARateSubstitutionModel, bpp::CodonDistancePhaseFrequenciesSubstitutionModel, bpp::CodonDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel, bpp::CodonAdHocSubstitutionModel, bpp::AnonymousSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractWrappedModel, bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel, bpp::LG10_EX_EHO, bpp::LG10_EX_EHO::EmbeddedModel, bpp::HKY85, bpp::F84, bpp::CodonDistanceSubstitutionModel, and bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel.

Referenced by bpp::YpR::checkModel(), bpp::TransitionMatrixFromModel::compute(), bpp::AbstractWrappedModel::getName(), bpp::FromMixtureSubstitutionModel::getName(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::BppOSubstitutionModelFormat::initialize_(), bpp::MixtureOfSubstitutionModels::MixtureOfSubstitutionModels(), bpp::MixtureOfATransitionModel::model(), bpp::LegacyPhylogeneticsApplicationTools::setSubstitutionModelParametersInitialValuesWithAliases(), bpp::ModelPath::toString(), and bpp::BppOSubstitutionModelFormat::write().

◆ getNumberOfStates() [1/4]

size_t bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::getNumberOfStates ( )

Definition at line 89 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h.

◆ getNumberOfStates() [2/4]

◆ getNumberOfStates() [3/4]

size_t bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getNumberOfStates ( ) const

Get the number of states.

For most models, this equals the size of the alphabet.

See also
getAlphabetChars for the list of supported states.
The number of different states in the model.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel, bpp::RE08Codon, bpp::RE08Protein, bpp::RE08Nucleotide, bpp::YpR, bpp::gBGC, bpp::DFPDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel, bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel, and bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 175 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractCodonSubstitutionModel::completeMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractKroneckerCodonSubstitutionModel::completeMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractKroneckerWordSubstitutionModel::fillBasicGenerator_(), bpp::AbstractWordSubstitutionModel::fillBasicGenerator_(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::AbstractMixedTransitionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::AbstractMixedTransitionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::RE08Nucleotide::getNumberOfStates(), bpp::RE08Protein::getNumberOfStates(), bpp::RE08Codon::getNumberOfStates(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::AbstractMixedTransitionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::AbstractWordSubstitutionModel::setFreq(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractWordSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::MixtureOfATransitionModel::updateMatrices_(), and bpp::MixtureOfTransitionModels::updateMatrices_().

◆ getNumberOfStates() [4/4]

virtual size_t bpp::BranchModelInterface::getNumberOfStates

Get the number of states.

For most models, this equals the size of the alphabet.

See also
getAlphabetChars for the list of supported states.
The number of different states in the model.

◆ getPij_t() [1/2]

◆ getPij_t() [2/2]

◆ getRate() [1/2]

◆ getRate() [2/2]

double AbstractTransitionModel::getRate ( ) const

The rate of the substitution process.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 45 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.cpp.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::rate_.

◆ getRowLeftEigenVectors() [1/2]

const Matrix<double>& bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getRowLeftEigenVectors ( ) const
A matrix with left eigen vectors. Each row in the matrix stands for an eigen vector.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 426 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::leftEigenVectors_.

◆ getRowLeftEigenVectors() [2/2]

virtual const Matrix<double>& bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::getRowLeftEigenVectors ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getScale() [1/2]

double AbstractSubstitutionModel::getScale ( ) const

◆ getScale() [2/2]

virtual double bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::getScale ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

Get the scalar product of diagonal elements of the generator and the frequencies vector. If the generator is normalized, then scale=1. Otherwise each element must be multiplied by 1/scale.

Minus the scalar product of diagonal elements and the frequencies vector.

Implemented in bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel, and bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel::getScale(), and bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel::getScale().

◆ getStateMap() [1/2]

virtual std::shared_ptr<const StateMapInterface> bpp::BranchModelInterface::getStateMap ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ getStateMap() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr<const StateMapInterface> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getStateMap ( ) const
A shared_ptr to the mapping of model states with alphabet states.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 173 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

Referenced by bpp::D1WalkSubstitutionModel::D1WalkSubstitutionModel(), and bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel().

◆ hasCodonFrequencySet()

◆ isDiagonalizable() [1/2]

bool bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::isDiagonalizable ( ) const
True if the model is diagonalizable in R.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 422 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::isDiagonalizable_.

◆ isDiagonalizable() [2/2]

virtual bool bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::isDiagonalizable ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ isNonSingular() [1/2]

bool bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::isNonSingular ( ) const
True is the model is non-singular.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 424 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::isNonSingular_.

◆ isNonSingular() [2/2]

virtual bool bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::isNonSingular ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ isScalable() [1/2]

◆ isScalable() [2/2]

virtual bool bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::isScalable ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ Lik_t() [1/2]

virtual const Eigen::VectorXd& bpp::TransitionModelInterface::Lik_t ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  values,
double  t 
) const
pure virtualinherited

This method is used to compute likelihoods in recursions. It computes the probability of a vector given a start state.

valuesAn vector of states on the site.
tthe branch length

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Implemented in bpp::AbstractLkTransitionModel.

◆ Lik_t() [2/2]

const Eigen::VectorXd& bpp::AbstractLkTransitionModel::Lik_t ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  values,
double  t 
) const

This method is used to compute likelihoods in recursions. It computes the probability of a vector given a start state.

valuesAn vector of states on the site.
tthe branch length

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Definition at line 30 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::TransitionModelInterface::getPij_t(), and bpp::AbstractLkTransitionModel::lik_.

◆ normalize() [1/2]

◆ normalize() [2/2]

◆ operator=()

AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel& bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::operator= ( const AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel mod)

◆ Pij_t() [1/2]

◆ Pij_t() [2/2]

virtual double bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::Pij_t ( size_t  i,
size_t  j,
double  t 
) const
The probability of change from state i to state j during time t.
See also
getPij_t(), getStates()

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RE08, bpp::JCprot, bpp::TN93, bpp::T92, bpp::K80, bpp::JCnuc, bpp::F81, bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel, bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel, bpp::HKY85, bpp::F84, and bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 197 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getPij_t().

Referenced by bpp::JCprot::Pij_t().

◆ Qij() [1/2]

virtual double bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::Qij ( size_t  i,
size_t  j 
) const

A method for computing all necessary matrices.

The rate in the generator of change from state i to state j.
See also

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 430 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::generator_.

◆ Qij() [2/2]

◆ setDiagonal() [1/2]

◆ setDiagonal() [2/2]

virtual void bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::setDiagonal ( )
pure virtualinherited

◆ setFreq() [1/3]

◆ setFreq() [2/3]

◆ setFreq() [3/3]

virtual void bpp::TransitionModelInterface::setFreq ( std::map< int, double > &  frequencies)
pure virtualinherited

◆ setFreqFromData() [1/2]

void AbstractTransitionModel::setFreqFromData ( const SequenceDataInterface data,
double  pseudoCount = 0 

Set equilibrium frequencies equal to the frequencies estimated from the data.

dataThe sequences to use.
pseudoCountA quantity $\psi$ to add to adjust the observed values in order to prevent issues due to missing states on small data set. The corrected frequencies shall be computed as

\[ \pi_i = \frac{n_i+\psi}{\sum_j (f_j+\psi)} \]

Implements bpp::TransitionModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RE08, bpp::WAG01, bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel, bpp::LG08, bpp::JTT92, bpp::JCprot, bpp::DSO78, bpp::Coala, bpp::K80, and bpp::JCnuc.

Definition at line 88 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.cpp.

References bpp::SequenceContainerTools::getFrequencies(), and bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::setFreq().

◆ setFreqFromData() [2/2]

virtual void bpp::TransitionModelInterface::setFreqFromData ( const SequenceDataInterface data,
double  pseudoCount = 0 
pure virtualinherited

◆ setRate() [1/2]

void AbstractTransitionModel::setRate ( double  rate)

◆ setRate() [2/2]

◆ setScalable() [1/2]

void bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::setScalable ( bool  scalable)

sets if model is scalable, ie scale can be changed. Default : true, set to false to avoid normalization for example.

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 461 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::isScalable_.

◆ setScalable() [2/2]

virtual void bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::setScalable ( bool  scalable)
pure virtualinherited

sets if model is scalable, ie scale can be changed. Default : true, set to false to avoid normalization for example.

Implemented in bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel, and bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel::setScalable(), and bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel::setScalable().

◆ setScale() [1/2]

◆ setScale() [2/2]

virtual void bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::setScale ( double  scale)
pure virtualinherited

Multiplies the current generator by the given scale.

scalethe scale by which the generator is multiplied.

Implemented in bpp::MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel, bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel, bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel, and bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractTotallyWrappedSubstitutionModel::setScale(), and bpp::InMixedSubstitutionModel::setScale().

◆ setVerboseLevel()

void bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::setVerboseLevel ( short  level)

◆ Sij() [1/2]

double bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::Sij ( size_t  i,
size_t  j 
) const
The exchangeability between state i and state j.

By definition Sij(i,j) = Sij(j,i).

Implements bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface.

Definition at line 416 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::exchangeability_.

◆ Sij() [2/2]

virtual double bpp::SubstitutionModelInterface::Sij ( size_t  i,
size_t  j 
) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ stateMap() [1/2]

virtual const StateMapInterface& bpp::BranchModelInterface::stateMap ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ stateMap() [2/2]

const StateMapInterface& bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap ( ) const
The mapping of model states with alphabet states.

Implements bpp::BranchModelInterface.

Reimplemented in bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel.

Definition at line 171 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

References bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::stateMap_.

◆ updateMatrices_()

void AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_ ( )

◆ verboseLevel()

short bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::verboseLevel ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ alphabet_

◆ computeFreq_

bool bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::computeFreq_

◆ d2pijt_

RowMatrix<double> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::d2pijt_

◆ dpijt_

RowMatrix<double> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::dpijt_

◆ eigenDecompose_

bool bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::eigenDecompose_

Tell if the eigen decomposition should be performed.

Definition at line 315 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::enableEigenDecomposition(), and bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::operator=().

◆ eigenValues_

◆ exchangeability_

◆ freq_

Vdouble bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::freq_

The vector $\pi_e$ of equilibrium frequencies.

Definition at line 143 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractReversibleSubstitutionModel::AbstractReversibleSubstitutionModel(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::AbstractTransitionModel(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::completeMatrices_(), bpp::Coala::computeEquilibriumFrequencies(), bpp::RE08::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::RE08::dPij_dt(), bpp::DSO78::DSO78(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::DSO78::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::JCprot::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::JTT92::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::LG08::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::WAG01::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::freq(), bpp::RE08::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::RE08::getdPij_dt(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getFrequencies(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getFrequencies_(), bpp::RE08::getPij_t(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getScale(), bpp::JCprot::JCprot(), bpp::JTT92::JTT92(), bpp::LG08::LG08(), bpp::RE08::Pij_t(), bpp::RE08::RE08(), bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel::readFromFile(), bpp::D1WalkSubstitutionModel::setFreq(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::setFreq(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::setFreq(), bpp::DSO78::setFreqFromData(), bpp::JCprot::setFreqFromData(), bpp::JTT92::setFreqFromData(), bpp::LG08::setFreqFromData(), bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel::setFreqFromData(), bpp::WAG01::setFreqFromData(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractWordSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::F84::updateMatrices_(), bpp::HKY85::updateMatrices_(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractReversibleSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::D1WalkSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::MixtureOfATransitionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::MixtureOfTransitionModels::updateMatrices_(), bpp::F81::updateMatrices_(), bpp::gBGC::updateMatrices_(), bpp::GTR::updateMatrices_(), bpp::JCnuc::updateMatrices_(), bpp::K80::updateMatrices_(), bpp::L95::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RN95::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RN95s::updateMatrices_(), bpp::SSR::updateMatrices_(), bpp::T92::updateMatrices_(), bpp::TN93::updateMatrices_(), bpp::POMO::updateMatrices_(), bpp::JCprot::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RE08::updateMatrices_(), bpp::YpR::updateMatrices_(), bpp::UserProteinSubstitutionModel::UserProteinSubstitutionModel(), and bpp::WAG01::WAG01().

◆ gCode_

std::shared_ptr<const GeneticCode> bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::gCode_

Definition at line 46 of file AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel.h.

Referenced by getGeneticCode(), operator=(), and updateMatrices_().

◆ generator_

RowMatrix<double> bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::generator_

The generator matrix $Q$ of the model.

Definition at line 298 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractCodonSubstitutionModel::completeMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractKroneckerCodonSubstitutionModel::completeMatrices_(), bpp::CodonSameAARateSubstitutionModel::compute_(), bpp::AbstractKroneckerWordSubstitutionModel::fillBasicGenerator_(), bpp::AbstractWordSubstitutionModel::fillBasicGenerator_(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::generator(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getScale(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::operator=(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::Qij(), bpp::RE08::RE08(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::setDiagonal(), bpp::AnonymousSubstitutionModel::setGenerator(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::setScale(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractWordSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::F84::updateMatrices_(), bpp::HKY85::updateMatrices_(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::AbstractReversibleSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), updateMatrices_(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::F81::updateMatrices_(), bpp::gBGC::updateMatrices_(), bpp::JCnuc::updateMatrices_(), bpp::K80::updateMatrices_(), bpp::L95::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RN95::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RN95s::updateMatrices_(), bpp::T92::updateMatrices_(), bpp::TN93::updateMatrices_(), bpp::POMO::updateMatrices_(), bpp::JCprot::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RE08::updateMatrices_(), bpp::RegisterRatesSubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), and bpp::YpR::updateMatrices_().

◆ iEigenValues_

◆ isDiagonalizable_

◆ isNonSingular_

◆ isScalable_

◆ leftEigenVectors_

◆ lik_

Eigen::VectorXd bpp::AbstractLkTransitionModel::lik_

◆ pijt_

RowMatrix<double> bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::pijt_

◆ rate_

double bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::rate_

The rate of the model (default: 1). The generator (and all its vectorial components) is independent of the rate, since it should be normalized.

Definition at line 138 of file AbstractSubstitutionModel.h.

Referenced by bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::addRateParameter(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::F84::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::HKY85::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::F81::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::JCnuc::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::K80::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::T92::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::TN93::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::JCprot::d2Pij_dt2(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::dPij_dt(), bpp::F84::dPij_dt(), bpp::HKY85::dPij_dt(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::dPij_dt(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::dPij_dt(), bpp::F81::dPij_dt(), bpp::JCnuc::dPij_dt(), bpp::K80::dPij_dt(), bpp::T92::dPij_dt(), bpp::TN93::dPij_dt(), bpp::JCprot::dPij_dt(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::fireParameterChanged(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::F84::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::HKY85::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::F81::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::JCnuc::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::K80::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::T92::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::TN93::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::JCprot::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getd2Pij_dt2(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::F84::getdPij_dt(), bpp::HKY85::getdPij_dt(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::F81::getdPij_dt(), bpp::JCnuc::getdPij_dt(), bpp::K80::getdPij_dt(), bpp::T92::getdPij_dt(), bpp::TN93::getdPij_dt(), bpp::JCprot::getdPij_dt(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getdPij_dt(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::F84::getPij_t(), bpp::HKY85::getPij_t(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::F81::getPij_t(), bpp::JCnuc::getPij_t(), bpp::K80::getPij_t(), bpp::T92::getPij_t(), bpp::TN93::getPij_t(), bpp::JCprot::getPij_t(), bpp::WordSubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::AbstractSubstitutionModel::getPij_t(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::getRate(), bpp::AbstractMixedTransitionModel::normalizeVRates(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::Pij_t(), bpp::F84::Pij_t(), bpp::HKY85::Pij_t(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::Pij_t(), bpp::EquiprobableSubstitutionModel::Pij_t(), bpp::F81::Pij_t(), bpp::JCnuc::Pij_t(), bpp::K80::Pij_t(), bpp::T92::Pij_t(), bpp::TN93::Pij_t(), bpp::JCprot::Pij_t(), bpp::AbstractMixedTransitionModel::setRate(), bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::setRate(), bpp::BinarySubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), bpp::TwoParameterBinarySubstitutionModel::updateMatrices_(), and bpp::MixtureOfTransitionModels::updateMatrices_().

◆ rightEigenVectors_

◆ size_

◆ stateMap_

◆ tmpMat_

◆ tr_

double bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::tr_

◆ trr_

double bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::trr_

◆ trv_

double bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::trv_

◆ tsub_

double bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::tsub_

◆ tvv_

double bpp::AbstractDFPSubstitutionModel::tvv_

◆ verboseLevel_

short bpp::AbstractTransitionModel::verboseLevel_

◆ vPowGen_

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