bpp-phyl3  3.0.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 Cbpp::AncestralStateReconstructionInterface for ancestral states reconstruction methods
 Cbpp::AwareNodeA node class aware of its neighbours
 Cbpp::BipartitionToolsThis class provides tools related to the BipartitionList class
 Cbpp::BppApplication [external]
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodInterface::BranchIteratorAn iterator over a set of branches, specified by their node ids
 Cbpp::Context::CachedNodeRefNodeRef is hashable and comparable as a pointer. CachedNodeRef is hashable and comparable, by comparing the node configuration:
 Cbpp::Clonable [external]
 Cbpp::CoalaCoreThis class is the core class inherited by the Coala class. COaLA is a branch-heterogeneous amino-acid substitution model
 Cbpp::CWiseCompound< R, ReductionOf< T > >::compound_functor
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodInterface::ConstBranchModelDescriptionA pair of SubstitutionModel / SiteIterator
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodInterface::ConstBranchModelIteratorIterates through all models used for all sites on a given branch
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodInterface::ConstSiteModelDescriptionA pair of SubstitutionModel / BranchIterator
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodInterface::ConstSiteModelIteratorIterates through all models used for all branches on a given site
 Cbpp::ContextContext for dataflow node construction
 Cbpp::CursorData structure describing a plotting direction
 Cbpp::CWiseCompound< Result, From >
 Cbpp::CWiseDiv< Result, From >
 Cbpp::CWiseMatching< Result, From >
 Cbpp::CWiseMean< Result, From, Prop >
 Cbpp::CWiseMul< Result, From >
 Cbpp::CWiseSub< Result, From >
 Cbpp::DecompositionMethodsMethods useful for analytical substitution count and rewards using the eigen decomposition method
 Cbpp::Dimension< T >Store a dimension for type T
 Cbpp::Dimension< Eigen::MatrixXd >
 Cbpp::Dimension< F >
 Cbpp::Dimension< R >
 Cbpp::Dimension< T0 >
 Cbpp::Dimension< VectorLik >
 Cbpp::DrawBranchEventEvent class used by TreeDrawing classes
 Cbpp::DrawNodeEventEvent class used by TreeDrawing classes
 Cbpp::DrawTreeEventEvent class used by TreeDrawing classes
 Cbpp::Exception [external]
 Cbpp::ExtendedFloatArrayWrapper< R, C >
 Cbpp::ExtendedFloatNoAlias< DerivedEF >
 Cbpp::ExtendedFloatRow< R, C, EigenType >
 Cbpp::ExtendedFloatVectorwiseOp< DerivedEF, MatType, Direction >
 Cbpp::IOFormat [external]
 Cbpp::IOFrequencySetFactoryUtilitary class for creating frequencies set readers and writers
 Cbpp::IOSubstitutionModelFactoryUtilitary class for creating substitution model readers and writers
 Cbpp::IOTreeFactoryUtilitary class for creating tree readers and writers
 Cbpp::LegacyAncestralStateReconstructionInterface for ancestral states reconstruction methods
 Cbpp::LegacyPhylogeneticsApplicationToolsThis class provides some common tools for applications
 Cbpp::LegacyRewardMappingToolsProvide methods to compute reward mappings
 Cbpp::LegacySubstitutionMappingToolsProvide methods to compute substitution mappings
 Cbpp::CWiseMatching< R, ReductionOf< T > >::matching_functor
 Cbpp::MatrixDimensionBasic matrix dimension type
 Cbpp::ModelListA list of models, for building a WordSubstitutionModel
 Cbpp::ModelPathOrganization of submodels in mixed substitution models in a path. See class ModelScenario for a thorough description
 Cbpp::ModelScenarioOrganization of submodels in mixed substitution models as paths
 Cbpp::TreeTemplateTools::Moments_A structure recording, for a subtree, the sum of root-leaf distances, the sum of their squares, and the number of elements in these sums (ie. the number of leaves)
 Cbpp::MutationPathThis class is used by MutationProcess to store detailed results of simulations
 Cbpp::MutationProcessInterface for simulations
 Cbpp::NodeThe phylogenetic node class
 Cbpp::NoDimensionEmpty type representing no dimensions
 Cbpp::NumericalDependencyTransform< T >Template struct used to describe a dependency transformation before compute()
 Cbpp::NumericalDependencyTransform< Transposed< T > >Implementation for a dependency transposition
 Cbpp::NumericalDerivativeConfigurationConfiguration for a numerical derivation: what delta to use, and type of derivation
 Cbpp::OptimizationListener [external]
 Cbpp::OptimizationToolsOptimization methods for phylogenetic inference
 Cbpp::PairedSiteLikelihoodsA container for paired-site likelihoods (likelihoods over the same sites for different models, especially topologies). An instance of this class is, roughly, a list of models, each of them having a name (stored in the modelNames attribute) and a set of site likelihoods (stored in the logLikelihoods attribute)
 Cbpp::CWisePattern< R >::pattern_functor
 Cbpp::PatternToolsUtilitary methods to compute site patterns
 Cbpp::PGMAInfosInner data structure for WPGMA and UPGMA distance methods
 Cbpp::PhylogeneticsApplicationToolsThis class provides some common tools for applications
 Cbpp::PhyloTreeToolsGeneric utilitary methods dealing with trees
 Cbpp::LikelihoodCalculationSingleProcess::ProcessNodesDF Nodes used in the process. ProcessTree is used without any rate multiplier
 Cbpp::ProcPosLikelihood framework based on a partition of a sequence in simple likelihoods
 Cbpp::RASToolsTools to deal with Rates Across Sites (RAS) models
 Cbpp::ReductionOf< T >
 Cbpp::RewardMappingToolsProvide methods to compute reward mappings
 CEigen::ScalarBinaryOpTraits< bpp::ExtendedFloat, double, BinaryOp >
 CEigen::ScalarBinaryOpTraits< double, bpp::ExtendedFloat, BinaryOp >
 Cbpp::SequenceSimulationToolsTools for sites and sequences simulation
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodInterface::SiteIteratorAn iterator over a set of sites, specified by their position
 Cbpp::SiteSimulationResultData structure to store the result of a DetailedSiteSimulator
 Cbpp::SitePatterns::SortableSiteClass used for site pattern sorting
 Cbpp::SubstitutionMappingToolsProvide methods to compute substitution mappings
 Cbpp::SubstitutionModelSetToolsTools for automatically creating SubstitutionModelSet objects
 Cbpp::TopologyChangeEventClass for notifying new toplogy change events
 Cbpp::TopologySearchInterface for topology search methods
 Cbpp::Transposed< T >The T dependency should be transposed before computation
 Cbpp::TreeDrawingDisplayControlerEasy tune of tree drawings display
 Cbpp::TreeDrawingSettingsA set of options to tune the display of a TreeDrawing object
 Cbpp::TreeLikelihoodToolsUtilitary methods that work with TreeLikelihood objects
 Cbpp::TreeTemplateToolsUtilitary methods working with TreeTemplate and Node objects
 Cbpp::TreeToolsGeneric utilitary methods dealing with trees
 Cstd::vector< unsigned int >